Chapter 2: Let Me Introduce Myself

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Hunter Lockwood is portrayed by Ash Stymest    )

Hunter's P.O.V

''No damnit! Leon! Pay attention! No! The blood! Over there! Clean it up!" I directed the gang member.


I said Gang Member.

Sorry I haven't properly introduced myself.

I'm Hunter Lockwood. I'm a 26 year old criminal, and gang leader.

Now you know.


"Hunter! Why didn't you tell me?'' My mate calls back.

"Well sorry! I was saving your dumbass!" I huffed.

Me and my group got jumped. Luckily,
I had a loaded gun and I was able to take them down. Now I have the bodies taken care of. And my smartest member, Leon,  cleaning up the evidence.

But he isn't being very smart at this moment.

He's a little out of order.

"Leon! Did you get it cleaned up!?"

"Yes I did! Noe can we go?" He said as the other came back from trying rid of the bodies.

"You go on without me, I have to make sure you got everything taken care of." I scolded. With that said, they nodded and sped off in the car


I examined the ground and its surroundings.

Thank God he did it right.

I headed towards the trash can.


I was gonna continue walking. But then heard a gasp.

"Are you OK!?" A girl, or more likely women. Asked.

Oh shit

I cringed and turned around

"I'm fine, get away." I scowled

"You need medical help. And lucky for you, I specialize in that." She held her chin out proudly.

"Look, I don't need your help."

"And I don't need to help. But i offered, plus would you really want to enter a hospital and they ask 'what the hell happened?'. Cause honestly. I don't want know."

She does have a point. But for all I know, she's probably planning to call the police and say I attacked her.

Girls can be pretty terrifying.

"Can I trust you?" I ask

She pursed her lips and stepped closer to me.

"I think I'm the one who should be asking you. But, yes. You can trust me."


"Well, we're gonna have to take you to my place. Since I don't have my supplies physically with me. Come on, my car is this way" she gestured me to follow her.

Why is she not scared of me? Why isn't she trembling in fear or hasn't ran away screaming? Why was she in an alleyway for that matter? How is she just trusting me randomly and taking me to her place?

"But if you get any blood on my seats, I will have to kill you." She says, while jumping into her Chevy Impala LTZ (if you don't know what it looks like, search it up.)

I'd like to see you try, sweetheart.

I carefully place myself into the passenger seat. She pulls off onto the road.

So many things slip in my mind and questions roam around. Not one look or glint of fear has gleamed over her face.

Which kinds concerns me. Is she used to this? Picking up bloody guys from alleyways? I want to know her history.

"What's your name?" She says


"Whats. Your. Name?"

"What's yours?"

"Nah ah, I asked you first Tough Guy."

"Fine. Its hunter."


"Now, what's yours?"

"We aren't on those terms yet."


"I have a feeling our encounters are going to be continuous."

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