Chapter 9: Finding Out

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Lauren's P.O.V

"How bad would it be if I told you I was a leader of a gang?" Hunter said.

"Tell me something I don't know." I smirked. His eyes widened


"Oh come on Hunter. Like I wouldn't find out. I find you in an alleyway, bleeding and beaten up. You wanted and expected me to be terrified of you. Then we see each other at a bar. You handed me a gun and well, let's just say that conversation you had with that Rick guy, isn't a normal 'hey mate, haven't see you in a long time' conversation. And then, you get chased by a dude. I kick his ass, and you tie him up." I explained

"And with all that, you just jumped to a conclusion of me being a leader of a gang?"

"Well, not the leader. But i guess that makes you a whole lot hotter, doesn't it?" I smirked and walked to my bedroom, locking the door behind me

After changing out of those uncomfortable scrubs, I took a seat beside hunter and faced the guy.

"Who are you?" I asked the man, hunter quickly shot his gaze to me

"What are you doing?" He whispered

"Shush." I scolded and he backed down.

"Now, I'll say this one more time. Who. Are. You?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He chuckled

Guess he chose the hard way even before I got to ask

I punched him in the face and scolded him. "Don't tempt me boy."

"Alright,My name is Greg Marceon." He grunted in pain.

"OK Greg. Why the hell were you casing Hunter?"

"I can't tell you." He said. I put up my fist again in threat.

"OK! OK! I was ordered to tell hunter that he should look out for some girl. That if he sees her, he should bring her to him."

Me and hunter looked at each other

"What's the girls name?" Hunter said

"I can't remember. It was like, I don't know, Lana or Lillian. But he handed me a picture of her. He told me it wasn't an accurate photo because he hasn't seen her in so long he just told me to work with what I got."

"Where's the picture?" I asked, Greg struggled against the restrains and pulled out a photo. I took it from him. And my jaw dropped.

"Uh.. Can you tell me the name of who ordered you?"

"His name is Jonathan Decroit. John for short."

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