Chapter 26: Ambush

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Hunter's P.O.V

How can I be so stupid letting her leave?!

We've only been together for two days and I fucking lost her!

What kind of boyfriend am I!?
I speed down the road, not caring about the signs telling me to slow down or anything

"Hunter! Calm down, your gonna get us killed!" Eric shouts, I grip the steering wheel tighter

"Shut the fuck up! I know what I'm doing!"

"Dude, she's just some slutty chick. Why are you flipping out about her?" Chris chuckles.

And without hesitation. I quickly swine out my gun, keep my eyes on the road, look in the rest view mirror, aim, then shoot

Holy shit I just shot Chris..
    Laurens P.O.V

"Mom.. Dad..." I muttered, looking at the couple.

They both smiled sympathetically

"Hi Lauren." My mom says

I felt tears slowly build up, they look so different. In a good way.

"Oh, how sweet. A family reunion. I so would've brought Caleb." John says sarcastically

"Caleb..?" I asked, confused

"Oh right, I forgot. You ran out before you could ever meet your brother." John said.


"Anyway. Look sweetheart, I don't want to hurt you, but if your boy doesn't come in the next 20 minutes.

Your dead."

I gulped.

I looked around me, trying to find solutions to get out. But sadly, nothing was available.

I sighed and hung my head down. The restrains cutting blood circulation.

Then I heard a door kick open, looking up, finding hunter fuming by the sight of John and my current state

Hunters pulls out a gun, but I heard more then one click.

Checking surroundings, a whole bunch of men had there guns at Hunter

Nice job Dumbass

"Well, well. You made it just in time Hunter." John remarks

"Give me Lauren." He barks

Right then, I felt a sharp nail close behind me, sticking out of the chair.

I have an idea.

"Tch,tch. No, not until you give what I want. And you see, here's the thing. If you shoot me, then all of them, will shoot you. You don't want your slut of a girlfriend watching you die, right? No? OK then." John scolded.

Hunters jaw clenched.

Where's the boys?

He sighed and put the gun down. Then dug into his pocket, pulling out a whole stack of money. John viciously chuckled.

Hunter was about to hand it to john, but I yelled out

"WAIT!" I screamed.

Everyone looked at me, confused.

"Hunter, don't give him anything." I growled

"Little girl here is trying to be brave?" John smirked.

"Oh you have no idea." I mumbled. Quickly letting the ropes drop and pulling out the gun I had in my boot

OK so I might be dumb, but not stupid enough to go outside without protection. And the fact that John didn't even check for weapons is beyond my reasoning

I shot john in the leg, he collapsed, wailing in pain. Hunter took out his gun and shot some of his members. I saw a group quickly run straight in

That's my boys

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