Chapter 7: Pretty Good Team

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Lauren's P.O.V

1 Week Later

I haven't seen Hunter in a couple days.

Until he started pounding on my door at 7 in the morning.

Until he started pounding on my door at 7 in the morning

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''LAUREN!!" he yelled. I groaned and opened the door

"What the hell?" I rubbed my eyes

"Let me in please!!" He panicked.

"Uh OK." He rushed in and slammed the door shut.

"You need to hide me!" He said

"What? Why?"

"No time for questions! Hide me!"

I just stared at him in confusion and shock

"Lauren! Can I trust you?"

"You know you can. Come on, follow me." I took his hand and lead him to my closet.
"When I got this apartment. There was always a secret room in my closet. Its hidden by my clothes. It's wide enough for you to fit. I don't why its there so don't ask." I moved the clothes and revealed a door.

"Get in." I directed

"What about you?" He said

"I got it. Dont worry." I gave a reassuring smile.

"Well, if someone knocks on the door and they-" he started but I cut him off

"Then don't let them in or answer of their questions. I know, I know. I watched CSI" I said, shutting the door. And moving the clothes over it.

I thought I wouldn't have to use this.

I grabbed my keys and a metal box. I sighed and unlocked it. Pulling out a black shiny object.

Checked and loaded.

Someone started banging on the door. I shoved the gun into my pocket

"Hunter!!" The guy yelled, I opened the door and saw a tall dark guy.

"Can I help you?" I acted.

"Have you seen a guy about 5'6? Sandy brown hair, bunch of tattoos and to my defense, ugly?" He described

"Other then you. No." I smiled.

"Look here sweetheart, don't get smart with me. I saw him run in here."

"Saw who?" I narrowed my eyes


"Never heard of him" I shrugged

"Get out of the way then."

"Do you want to know how easy it is for me to scream out 'rape'? And who do you think they will believe more? The big tough guy? Or the little innocent girl?" I pouted.

"Fine, just let me in and look around. Then  I'll be out of your hair." He spoke quieter. I pondered for a minute then nodded. I moved out of the way for him to enter. He started examining rooms. I slowly pulled out my gun when he got closer to the closet.

He moved my clothed and saw the door.

Here we go.

I punched him in the nose with the gun.

I didn't want to shoot. Not my style.

He dropped to the ground.

Woah, I knocked him out.

"You can come out now." I said. Hunter slid out and saw the guy on the ground.

"What the hell did you do?"

"He almost caught you. I did what I had to." I shrugged, he glanced at my gun.

"Where did you get that?" He said pointing to it.

"Oh this lil thing?" I waved it around "its mine"

"I'm not even gonna question anymore. Come on, let's tie him up" hunter said, moving the guy

"Tie him up!?" I screeched

"How else are we gonna get answers? Got any rope?" He placed the guy on a chair.

''What!! No! Why would I have rope!?"

My life has just turned into an action movie. Should I be happy for scared?

"Why would you have a gun?" He remarked

"Touché. Look, I gotta get ready to go back to the hospital, cause ya know. I still have some sanity left and I would like to be of help to people. I'm trusting you in my home. Hunter. I swear, if you do anything stupid or to get me in trouble-"

"Hey, calm down. I won't do anything to ruin your sexy nurse reputation" he said, looking in drawers.

I felt my cheeks glow red

Oh my god

"Uh, OK.." I headed towards my room

"Oh and Lauren."


"We make a pretty good team."

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