Chapter 20: Fights And Poems

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Laurens P.O.V

"Hey, where ya been?" I asked as hunter entered the house.


"Fine, don't tell me then."

"I just did."

"Wish I believed you."

He just rolled his eyes and walked past me. Brushing my shoulder.

"What the hell is your problem?" I say

"Nothings my problem."

"OK, then, can we at least talk about earlier?"

"Talk about it? What's to talk about? You would shut up so I made you shut up!"

I crossed my arms and glared at him

"I think you sat on a stick and it got stuck in your ass if you think twice about back talking me. You know what I'm capable of and you know i wouldn't hesitate doing it." I said. He scoffed and rolled his eyes

"What are you going to do, huh? Shoot up the place like a physcopath?"

"You mean like you? Maybe, ya."

"You wouldnt."

"Don't test me babe."

"Don't call me that."

"Why not?" I smirked.

"Cause, we aren't like that."

"Like what?" I took a step closer.

"Look, I have work to do." He shook his head and walked away

"Ugh, prick" I mumbled under my breath


"He won't talk to me Matt." I said

"He doesn't like pouring his heart out to anyone." Matt shrugged.

", I'm his friend and I need to have a heart to heart convo with him." I pouted

"Well, we can have heart to heart convos " Matt smirked

"No, stay the hell away from me you perv." I joked. He scoffed in mock hurt.

"For your information, I am a poet."

"Are you now?"


"Tell me some of your poems."

"Ok, roses are red, violets are blue, i have five fingers, the middle one is for you." He smiles proudly.

"Bitch." I scoff


"Sam, dean, we have a issue." Eric jokes, but with a serious face. Me and matt look at each other, then follow Eric to the window.

We look out to find


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