Chapter 12: Moving In

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Lauren's P.O.V

made on of the most biggest decisions ever.

Either continue being a surgeon

Or quit.

And I chose quit.

I mean, if I'm gonna fight bad guys, what would you do?!

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I mean, if I'm gonna fight bad guys, what would you do?!

Oh my god

I fight bad guys

I'm so badass

Holy shit

My life is an action movie! How cool is that!?

"So, where do you live? Like some mansion with a ballroom and a movie theatre inside?" I said as we put boxes inside my car.

"Something like that. Ya" he said.

"Wait, really!?"

He nodded. I smiled and went back to putting box's up.

"Wow, what's this?" He said, taming out my cheerleader pom poms.

"I was a cheerleader back in high school. I honestly don't know why I still have those." I laughed. He started dancing around with them

 He started dancing around with them

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I started laughing harder

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I started laughing harder.

"OK, stop. I can't breath!" I coughed. He smiled and put them away.

"Who knew a gangster would be playing around with pom poms" I commented

"Ya, and we are keeping that between us. No one else knows about this." He said.

I smiled and shook my head.

After st least getting all the boxes out of my apartment, we pulled up at a huge house.

Damn he was right

I just gawked until he got my attention.

"Princess" he said.


"I said, did you lose your sense?" He smiled


"Shut up" I slapped his arm and got out of the car.

"Hunter, who's the babe?" Someone yelled. I turned over to see a tall guy with blonde hair, leaning against the doorway. Eyeing me

"Jack, I suggest you shut the hell up" Hunter said while opening the back of the car.

"What the hell is going on?" Another man approached the car.

"She's moving in." Hunter replied. The guys eyes widened

"She is?" He said.

Hunter nodded and took some boxes inside while I stood outside with the unknown person.

"Well, I'm Eric" he said

"Uh... I'm Lauren"

"So what are you? Hunters side chick? Or friends with benefits?" Eric said. I narrowed my eyes

"Uh, no. I'm his friend."

"His friend?"


"Hunter doesn't have friends."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a box

"And i dont have to waste my precious time talking to a moron." I smirked evily and walked inside the house.

Holy fuck this place is like a castle

"Got it?" Hunter said.

"Yep." I put the box on a table.

"OK so, the guys are just part of the gang. They are assholes but they live here and can't do anything about that." Hunter explained.

"All right. Where's my room?"

He smiled and took my hand. He took me upstairs and approached a door.

"That's your room. I'll be back with more box's. You go in an, tell me how ya think about it." He said. I nodded and entered the room

Oh my god I'm living the dream

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