Chapter 6: Who Is She?

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Hunter's P.O.V 

"So Hunter, who's the girl?" Jack sang as soon as I entered the house.

"Shut the hell up" I scowled

"Who is she, Hunter." He said

"Jack, if you don't want your lungs stuck in your throat, I suggest you piss off."

"OK whatever you say!" He smiled and walked off.

I opened my phone to find a missed.

Lauren: sorry I keep kicking you out of my place.  -7:30 P.M.

Hunter: it's OK. 👍  -8:13 P.M.

Lauren: good.   -8:15 P.M.

Lauren: today has certainly been interesting.  -8:16 P.M.

Hunter: ya, its not like everyday I meet a beautiful girl walking in an alleyway. -8:17 P.M.

Lauren: Well your not to shabby yourself.  -8:17 P.M.

"Is the actual Hunter Lockwood, smiling?" Eric, another member, said. I looked away from my phone to him.

"If you have forgotten, I know how to use a gun, and I know how to aim at your head." I remarked. He shot his hands up in surrender.

Lauren: well, I should be getting to bed. Goodnight.  -8:20 P.M.

Hunter: Goodnight.  -8:22 P.M.

I put my phone away and headed in the living room.

"Rick has located us. He knows we are here." I told the boys.

"Wait- Mr.Rick no dick?" Matt commented our nickname for Rick.

I nodded.

"How?" He said

"I was out in a bar, he came in and started shooting up the place. Saying he will get me back for what I did to Michael."

"and how exactly did you get away from him?" Jack asked

"The girl shot his leg, or arm. I couldn't tell cause it was dark. But he isn't dead.  Yet." I answered casually. Their eyes widened.

"Hold on- the girl I saw you with?" Jack said, I nodded.

"How the hell did she know how to handle a gun? Did she shoot herself in the foot first?"

"No, I asked her how did she know. She didn't say."

"Did you at least get her name?''

" yep."


"And.. I'm not telling you. I don't trust you. Any of you."

"Wow, I thought we were friends." Matt whined

"None of us are friends. At all. You work for me. You do as I say and you obey. OK? I can easily flick you off this earth like a bug, so don't think about messing with me. I dont trust you. And even if I did have friends, they wouldn't have my full reliability." I explained

"Except your Lady friend." Jack smirked

"Douchbag" I mumbled under my breath while going upstairs.

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