Chapter 18: Watch The Girl

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Hunters P.O.V

"I'm leaving!!" I called out, heading towards the door.

"Where ya goin?" Lauren says


"Can I come?"


"Your so stubborn. Bye, have fun being lonely." She waved and went upstairs. I smiled and shook my head.


"YOU STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME MATTHEW HICKS!" I scolded. He pouted and his shoulders sank.

"Your no fun." He whines

"Who says I'm supposed to be?" And with that said, I left.

I excited the store with some bags.

"I feel like a soccer mom" I mumbled under my breath, then putting the bags in my car. All of a sudden, I being pushed harder into my car. I groaned and tried to turn around but the person had a tight grip and I couldnt move.

"Miss me?" A familiar voice growled in my ear

"Rick" I groaned.

"Hey sweet cheeks. Wheres your girl?" He says

"None of your damn business."

"Well that's to bad." I felt something small point at my back.

A gun, great.

"Let me tell you something Hunter Lockwood. That little girl of yours better watch her back. Shooting me in the leg wasn't such a wise choice. You watch her or so help me this gun won't be used on you, it'll be used on her."

I felt rage build up in my stomach

"Don't you dare touch her!" I snarled. He did a small chuckle

"Can't make any promises." He smacked the back of my head and ran off.

I stretched and looked at the bruise he gave my hand from where he was holding to tight.

I look around to see a lot of people.

"No one saw that!? I was just held at gun point! And no one cared? Or noticed?!" I yelled.
"Hey hunty boo!" Lauren cheered as I entered the house with the bags

"Stay away from matt. He's a bad influence."

"Coming from a gang leader, that'd an understatement" she smirked.


"What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong."

"Are you on your period?"

"Are you?"


"I didn't want you to answer that."

"Oh. Any ways, what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong!" I barked while putting the groceries away. I felt a arm on mine.

"What happened?" She pleaded

"Nothing happened!''

"Talk to me hunter!"

"I am! And I'm saying, nothing happened!"

"Was it something about me?"


"Ahah! Your-" and with that. I kissed her.

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