Chapter 21: Told Off

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Hunter's P.O.V

I was outside talking to john. He told me he wanted Lauren back and that he knew she was here with me. I kept denying it until she came charging outside.

"JOHN YOU LITTLE LYING PIECE OF GARBAGE! I THOUGHT YOU WERE SMARTER THEN TO SHOW UP HERE! OO IM SO GONNA BEAT YOUR ASS!'' she yells, running to him. I quickly block her to make him stop.

" Lauren just stop!" I said. She glared at me

"Rot in hell hunter." She pushed against me and stomped to john.

"Did they hurt you Lauren?" John said. Lauren rolled her eye and smacked him, as was taken back and held his cheek

"Don't you dare come close to me Jonathan Decroit! I don't want you anywhere near me! Do you understand? You have no idea of how much power i am capable of!" She scolded

John looked her, then to me.

"You heard her" I simply said. He looked down, then walked away. But quickly turned around gripped Lauren. I was about to act when he pulled out a gun and pointed it to her head.

"Take on more step, and ill shoot!!" He said. My heart started racing. Matt, Eric and Jack ran outside. Lauren started whimpering as john had his arm around her throat.

I started walking to her slowly, but John moved the gun to her foot and shot. Lauren screamed in pain.

Fury and rage started building up quicker.

"Now, hunter, give me the money" he said


"No? So you wouldn't mind if your girl here got a bullet in her head?"

"I don't care" I shrugged. Laurens eyes widened. I heard the guys behind me gasp.

"Give me the money"


"I'll shoot her."

"Do it then."


"Your stalling Decroit"

He scoffed and threw Lauren to me. I caught her as I saw tears flow out of her eyes.

I cradled her as john glared at us

"Love is going to get you killed Lauren. You silly girl" john growled then tool off.

Matt came over and helped me get Lauren inside. We placed her on the couch. Jack started getting the meds and kits out.

"Hunter.." Lauren said hoarsely


"You wanted me to die?"

"No. I didn't want you to die."

"Are you sure about that? Cause I'm pretty sure you were just telling me off."

"I knew he wouldn't kill you Lauren. He doesn't have the guts too."

"What if he did?"

"No what ifs. He just didnt."

"Hunter, I could've fucking died because of you!"

"I'm sorry Lauren. I did what I had too!"

"Did what you had too? How do you think that makes me feel!?"

"I don't know!"

"Well here's an inside scoop.

          Being told off by a person you like, really changes your fuckin image"

And with that, she got up and limped away.

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