Chapter 11: How?

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Lauren's P. O.V

We let Greg go. But I told him to tell John I meant what I said on the phone.

Its weird, I trust hunter, and I've only known him for two weeks, and he is a gang leader. But john, I've known him for 18 years and I don't trust him. I guess I'm in shock from finding out he was a gang leader and I didn't know.

What would he want with me? I'm guessing its not good. If he wanted to chat or see me, he would've texted or visited. But no, he has some physco gang member come and hunt me down.

I've known this man my whole life and through out everything, I trusted him with my life. I though the would tell me everything. Even when it was something he was ashamed of.

I sat in the kitchen, sobbing. I don't know how to process this.

Someone knocked on my door. It was hunter. How did I know that? He made up a special knock, so I know its him and not someone else.

"Come in" I choked out, trying to hide the evidence of me crying.

He enters the room and narrows his eyebrows

"You good?" He asked.

I fake smiled and nodded "ya. Ya I was just, thinking."

He nodded and sat beside me.

"Your a bad liar." He chuckled.

My bottom quivered "ya, I know.." I whispered. I felt him put his arm around my shoulders.

"Its gonna be OK." He said

"No its not. What is he planning on doing with me?" I gasped "what if he kills me.."

"He won't."

"How are you so sure of that?"

"Can you trust me?"


"Then I'll help you."

I shot up and glared at him

"How are you going to help me? How?" I snarled

"I was thinking and, I wanted you to move. To my place. So you will be safer. Just in case those pricks come back and try and hurt you."

"I can protect myself, thanks." I remarked

"For how long? You think you can take down a group of 15 men? All stronger NAD powerful then you? Do you think they will have mercy on a little girl?"

"Excuse me? Little girl? If I can recall, I saved your ass like what, 3 times all ready?
1. In the alleyway.
2. In the bar
And 3, I stopped that Greg dude from you. I think I can handle this."

"I'm just saying, maybe it would be best if you came with me."

I pondered for a minute.

"Can I trust you?"

He smiled.


"Ok, I accept your offer."

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