Chapter 5: BadAss

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Hunter's P.O.V

I can't believe I handed her a fucking gun. I don't even know he name and I was stupid enough to give her something she could kill herself with.

Wow hunter. How the hell are you a leader of a gang.

"Michael was playing with things he shouldn't have been." I shouted to rick. A formal enemy of mine.

A couple months ago, I killed his best member. Michael. Michael got ahold of information. I didn't need him telling Rick and his group about it, and since there was no way to make Michael forget. I had to kill him.

"Like what?" Rick retorted

"Don't make me do this to you Rick. I don't want to." I said, aiming gun at him.

"Did you say that to Michael to? Before you shot him in the head?" Rick said

"I did what I had to."

"What did he find hunter? What was so worthy that he found, that it coated him his life?" Rick took a step closer to me.

"Don't step any closer rick." I threatened. But he didn't listen. He held up his gun, and put his finger on the trigger.


He fell to the ground.

What the hell?

I turned around to see the girl with the gun in her hand. She sighed and set it down on the counter. Placing her hands on her hips.

"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how to be a man, whilst being a women." She smirked, walking to me.

I'm out of breath.

She's just


"Did- how- what?" I said

I can't even get out a full sentence.

"Cat got ya tounge?." She patted my chest and winked.

What the fuck

"Did you kill him?" Is all I could get out.

"Oh let's hope not." She sighed.

"How did you- when did you- what!?"

Damnit hunter. Pull yourself together.

"We should probably go before the cops come, shall we?" She said.

"Uh.. Ya.." I gulped and nodded. I grabbed the gun she I gave to her and we snook out of the bar.

We got to my car.

"Well, it was nice seeing you again" she said

"Uh.. Ya.. Ya you too..?" I'm still confused yet intrigued in her.

"Bye." She waved and started walking away but I stopped her.

"Hold on, let me take you home." I said

"What about my car?"

"You can get it tomorrow."

She stared at me for a moment.

"Can I trust you?" She said

I mentally smirked by her recycling my line.

"Sure. You can trust me."

She grinned and headed in the passenger seat as I got driver.

We approached her apartment door.

"Can I ask you something?" I say

"Go ahead."

"How did you know how to use a gun? And actually be able to have good aim?"

She chuckled. "That's a story for another time. Hopefully."

I nodded and she opened her door.

"Oh and by the way, I'm Lauren."

Finally, a name.

"Well, Lauren. May I come in?"

She thought for a moment. Then nodded. Giving me space to enter.

" I understand your scared of me and-" I started before she cut me off.

"Who said I was scared of you?"

"Well, why wouldn't you be scared of me?"

"Look, you know I heard the conversation between you and that Rick guy. But I'm not scared of you. When I first saw you in that alley way. I knew you were trouble. And k was nice enough to help you out. If you wanted to kill me, I would be dead right now. You gave me a gun to protect myself. A murderer wouldn't do that. Now, I could've shot you for self protection. Yet, I didn't. Cause I knew you wouldn't hurt me. And believe me, I've took a risk like the before." She explained.

"What do you mean? You have taken a risk like this before?"

"Its a long story. I'm tired. And today has been one to remember. So, sorry to do this. Again. But I think you should go." She said.

"OK, but first. Can I see your phone?" I asked. She nodded and handed it to me.

I punched in my number and handed it back to her.

"Call me if anything happens to you. OK?" I said before leaving.

"OK, see ya around Hunter."

"You too Lauren."

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