Chapter 22: Feels

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Hunter's P.O.V

So lauren likes me..?

Why? What does she think of me that makes her enjoy my presence?

I'm a criminal, a killer, I've done drugs and gotten drunk. She doesn't deserve someone like me. She deserves someone way better.

Yes, I like her. And that's something hard to say. But its the truth.

                          2 weeks later


slightly knock on Laurens door.

"What?" She says tiredly

"You OK?"

"I'm peachy. Thanks."

"Be honest."

"OK, fine, I'm so mad right now I could watch you die and start laughing"

The fuck

"Happy now?" I say

"No, cause you aren't dying and I'm not laughing."

I sigh and sit on a chair beside her bed.

"I'm sorry Lauren. "

"Sorry doesn't fix anything"

"I like you too. Does that fix anything?"

She just stayed quiet for a minute.

"No. Cause I don't like you anymore. Friend manner nor couple manner."

"You could always move out."

Her eyes widened

"I- I'm joking!" She said. I started laughing. After that, I grabbed her hand and looked her in the eyes.

"Lauren, I'm truly sorry, is there anyway you can forgive me?"

She thought for a moment then smiled.

"Take me on a date" she said


"Take. Me. On. A . date" she empathized.


"Your so stupid! Look, I like you, you like me. It works out perfectly!"

"I don't do dates. I go straight to the point."

"And the point is...??"

"Lauren, just be my damn girlfriend already."

She gawked at me then her cheeks turn red and she smiled widely.

"OK!!" She said. I smiled

"OK BUT LAURTER IS GOALS" matt said, ruining the moment

"MATT YOU FUCKING HIPPIE" Lauren said, throwing a high heel at him.

"HAHAH" Eric laughed as matt whined in pain

"GO AWAY OR YOUR ALL NEXT!!" She said, then I heard footsteps running away. I just chuckled and looked back at Lauren.

"Hey look, I'm dating a gangster." She smiled sheepishly. I laughed and cupped her face, kissing her.

Now thats more like it.


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