Chapter 15: Pull The Trigger

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Hunter's P.O.V

"Hunter!" Lauren sang

"Yes?" I answered.

We in my house. The guys left cause they didn't like the fact Lauren was so annoying and girly.

Sometimes I think they were 5 year olds stuck in 20 year old bodies.

"Well, I was doing some thinking" she started

"That's a bad thing."

"Shut up! Anyways, since john and his group of killing machines are after me for some reason, maybe you could teach me some hand to hand combat?" She batted her eyes and smiled.


"No." I said coldly. She cocked her eyebrows.

"No?" She mirrored my words.

"I won't do it."


"Cause, I think its better for you to stay in the house at all times. Your safer in here."

"Excuse me! Are you calling me weak?" She scoffed.

"No, its not that-"

"For your information, you don't own me. Stop acting like I'm so princess that needs to stay locked up. Hell, why am I even listen into you?"

"I never said any of that. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"We live on earth, where being hurt is something you shouldn't worry about because it comes often!"

"My final answer is no."

She groaned and stomped upstairs. I shook my head and sat back down.

Then I heard a gunshot.

"What the hell!?" I screeched, seeing Lauren trot downstairs with her gun aiming at me

"Reconsider dork face!" She smirked

"Thats not a toy Lauren. You know that!"

"Oh I know. But I don't care."

"You won't pull the trigger."

"Try me." I saw her finger hover over the trigger. I grabbed the gun and flipped it out of her hand and into mine. I learned that from Jackie Chan.

Her eyes widened as I aimed the gun st her

"How the hell did you do that!?" She said

"You really wanna learn combat?"

She nodded.

"Come on."

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