02- Magic Solid Gold Cock

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[Louis Tomlinson- Just Hold On ]
[Fetty Wap- 679]
[Rihannah- Work]
[Meghan Trainor ft. John Legend-Like I'm Gonna Lose You]

People were filing in and out of the overflowing frat house.

Amie, Matty and I all fought our way through the sweaty bodies to the living room.

Club songs were playing and people were drinking, talking, dancing, grinding and who knows what else but I sure didn't want to.

"That's Jason!" Amie beamed.

She pointed to a boy sitting on the sofa with another guy.

Jason had dark brown hair in a quiff and you could see his cheekbones from halfway across the room.

"And that's his friend, come on" Amie beckoned to Matty.

"What about me?" I questioned as Jason only had one friend and I was going to be the fifth wheel.

"Oh, well Jason doesn't know many people and I promised him a friend for his friend but maybe if you go get drinks and wait for us? We won't be long"

I rolled my eyes but agreed.

This was typical Amie and Matty, they usually do things together, not really wanting to do things with me. It didn't bother me, they never wanted to do my things either I'd just like to be included every once in a while.

I navigated my way into the kitchen through the large sea of hormonal teenagers.

The kitchen was a lot less dense than everywhere else in the house but it was still uncomfortably cramped for my liking.

Seeing that the back door was open, I grabbed a bottle of beer, opened it and pushed my way out the house.

The cool air felt refreshing on my cheeks. The January sun had set but it was a surprisingly mild night for late winter.

I walked past the couples eating each other's faces and stragglers talking in the peace and quiet of the outside before finding a quiet spot of grass; sliding down the brick wall and lifting my knees up to my chest.

Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes for a few minutes but was rudely interrupted.

"Enjoying the party?" A voice questioned.
I opened my eyes and looked up to see a pair of blue eyes looking back.

It was a boy, he had light curlyish brown hair that seemed to flop against his forehead in an unbrushed nest. It was a cute nest though.

"Of course, can't you see I'm radiating excitement" I smiled, my voice laced with sarcasm.

"Hard to miss" he chuckled, "can I sit?"

I nodded and he crouched down next to me and putting his knees up.

The mystery boy pulled a small box from his pocket and took a cigarette out of it. He offered me the box and I took a cigarette.

I did smoke occasionally, usually only in sociol situations, when I'm stressed or can't sleep but I wouldn't say I'm addicted.

He took a lighter out his pocket and lit his cigarette and then lighting mine.

I took a large drag and watched the smoke rise and swirl round.

"Not a party fan?" The boy asked taking a drag of his own cigarette.

"I am, it's just I've done everything" I explained, " I mean beer pong I've done; the partying every weekend; waking up on a frat guys living room floor; waking up in a random guys bed and never speak to him again; woken up in a girls bed, that was interesting"

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