18- I Knew Becky

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[Harry Styles- Sweet Creature]
[Little Mix ft. Charlie Puth- Oops]
[Nicki Minaj- Bed of Lies]

I started to think that maybe Lip was right. I should begin to think about telling Amie and Matty of my relationship with Lip.

I know they opposed of the idea of me with someone like Lip Gallagher, they had made that very clear, but if they were my friends surely they would respect my decision. Right?

Lip and I walked home from lunch, hand in hand. I liked Lip, a lot, and I didn't want to hide our relationship anymore.

He walked me to the entrance of my dorm building in a comfortable silence. Like we didn't have to make conversation.

He placed a hand on my cheek and said, "think about Amie and Matty. Do you really want that kind of toxicity in your life?"

"Since when were you so smart?" I joked but he definitely had a point.

Lip kissed me, passionately. I knew people were staring but I didn't care. I had this new found confidence when I was around him and wanted to be like that wherever I was.

"I'm serious though, you deserve friends who don't treat you like shit" he smiled.

"I'll talk to them" I agreed and he beamed like I just announced we were going to Disney land.

We said our goodbyes and I made my way through the hustle and bustle of college life.

The dorms had become a lot more lively. Early afternoon being the normal waking time for college students. Some leisurely with friends, others ran to a late lecture.

I reached my dorm but didn't go in straight away. I knew Matty would be in there and I knew when I told her about Lip she would be pissed.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door.

Matty sat on her bed, reading another one of her magazines. She didn't look up to see who was coming into our dorm. She just kept flicking through her magazine in a passive aggressive manner.

I placed my school bag on my desk chair and lay on my bed.


That was the only way to describe it. We didn't speak, the only noise was the sound of pages flipping.

Should I start the conversation? How would I bring up Lip?

I could say "oh just to let you know, I'm dating Lip Gallagher" but I can imagine her reaction:

Lip Gallagher is not right for you. He would be much better suited with someone whose outgoing and pretty. And that's just not you. Sorry

Or I could ease into and say "so you know Lip, yeah Lip Gallagher that one" but the answer will still more likely be the above.

"How was studying?" She asked, making sure to lather the last word in sarcasm.

"It was okay, boring" I shrugged and lied. Wrong move Luna.

"Oh really? Because I spoke to Becky. Do you know Becky?"

I knew Becky. Becky was a gossip. Becky could find any information about anyone in the world. So if Matty has been talking to Becky she knows something's up.

"The law major? Becky Suffield?" I asked non-chalontley.

"Yeah, she said she saw you and Lip Gallagher holding hands and walking to lunch. After you told me and Amie that you weren't available. Isn't that funny?" She said, staring up from her magazine.

A twisted smile was playing on her lips. She knew.

"Yeah, we've kind of been seeing each other" I came clean.

I felt relief but I also felt nervous. Matty's smiled faltered and her cheeks went a rosy colour like a giant stop sign. Run! Get out now! This person is about to blow!

"What do you mean seeing each other?" Matty said through gritted teeth.

"Dating I mean. Seriously what's your problem with him?" I questioned, sitting up and facing her.

"I just don't like the guy" she said, her voice beginning to rise.

I didn't think that was it. There was something she wasn't telling me. I was suspicious but I didn't want to make her mad. When Matty's mad she shouts and when she shouts she shouts and the whole dorm will be able to hear her.

And if people like Becky Suffield are around, we don't want that.

I still felt this anger towards Matty. This urge to defend Lip as he was being wrongfully blamed from something he didn't do.

"It doesn't matter if you don't like him, your not spending time with him" I pointed out.

"So our friendship doesn't matter?" She had gone crazy. Matty needed to be checked into a psych ward. I was confused, beyond my mind.

My relationship with Lip had nothing to do with our friendship. Matty, it's safe to say, was being ridiculous. And I wasn't having any of it.

"What does our friendship have to do with anything?"

"It's me or Lip" she simply said with her arms folded.

This is what it had come to.


"Yes, either you break up with Lip or stop hanging out with me"

I know what she wants me to say: If course Matty! I will do whatever you say and stop hanging out with Lip Gallagher. You were right he is a bad man.

But I wasn't going to give up that easily.

So without speaking, I grabbed my phone, jacket, bag and left.

I was done.

Walking across the campus, I knew where I was going to go. Lips. He would never treat me like that.

I felt eyes on me. No one was staring at me but I felt hundreds of eyes on me. I quickened my pace so I was near running. People would assume I was late to a class. Everyone ran in college.

But I was not. I was running into the comfort of my boyfriend. After my best friend had made me choose between her and him. I chose him.

I knocked on the door to Lips dorm room.

He answered fairly quickly and he smiled once he saw me but soon his features were overcome with concern after he really saw me.

"What's wrong?" He said, placing a hand on my arm.

"Can I stay here?" I was able to squeak out. Words were not working for me right now.

Lip didn't need to make me choose. He just simply moved out the doorway so I could enter his dorm.

thank you for reading! this chapter is a little messy, I'm really sorry I feel it's a little all over the place.

keep voting if you like the story. and if you want to comment I love reading the comments. What would you do in Luna's situation? I would punch Matty in the face

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