39- Bitchy Smug Face

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[5 Seconds of Summer - Close as Strangers]
[Sleeping at Last - Already Gone]
[Camilla Cabello - Consequences]

**Lip's POV**

The walk to where Luna was stopping had been a steady one. It consisted mainly of me trying not to fall on my face and actually make it to the apartment.

It was mostly dark by the time I reached the unfamiliar building but a small ray began to light up the sky as the sun first started to rise.

I took the stairs two at a time as I thought about seeing Luna.

My head was spinning with so many thoughts and worries. Was I really making the right decision?

I guess I had no time to think as I became face to face with the apartment that matched the neatly noted slip that Amie had given me.

As I was standing there, it seemed I could not hold back and began to bang on the door continuously until someone answered. I prayed someone would answer.

** Luna's POV**

I was jolted awake by a loud banging.

I had no idea what time it was, couldn't have been too late as the sun was only beginning to rise.

Rubbing my eyes, I stumbled to the front room.  Callie was standing by her door frame, steam practically bursting from her ears.

"Who the fuck is that?" She questioned through gritted teeth.

I shrugged and cautiously began to open the door. My eyes almost popping out of my head when I saw Lip.

His hair was a mess and his face seemed to shine with droplets if sweat which had formed from doing who knows what. Then the stench of beer hit me as if Lip had drank a Liquor store.

I heard Callie behind me sigh loudly which was soon followed by a slam of her bedroom door. She seemed to have little sympathy for Lip but I couldn't help be worried about him.

Him showing up was widely unexpected. A part of me thought he had forgotten about me and I was happy to see him. Although, another part felt an ache when I saw him and remembered what he did.

"Lip? What are you doing here?" I questioned, trying to act coolly about the situation, which seems a lot easier than it is.

"I had to see you" he admitted, "I miss you Luna"

"Lip" I sighed, "you're drunk, it's late, I don't want to do this now"

I had been wanting to see Lip for days but not like this. It was obvious from the smell that he was dangerously drunk and I didn't want him saying things he doesn't mean.

"Well, I do" he demanded.

I raised my eyebrows a little before shrugging and stepping out into the hallway with Lip, closing the door behind me. I thought it may be unfair to bring my baggage into Callie's apartment when she's trying to sleep.

"Okay, talk" I said, gesturing him to continue before folding my arms across my chest.

"When you walked in on me and Matty, it wasn't what you thought" he began, "she kissed me and I was in shock, I didn't know what to do, you didn't give me chance to explain what had happened"

"I know" I simply replied.

"You know? What do you know?"

"I guessed it was Matty who initiated it when she let slip that she's had a crush on you but I didn't give you time to explain because it was hard, no matter who kissed who first you still kissed and when I see you it reminds me of her bitchy smug face"

"I'm so sorry Luna, you have to know that I love you and I never meant to hurt you the way I did"

He slid his back against the wall so he was crouched down. This was the first time I had ever seen Lip so vulnerable. He always seems to put on a "don't give a fuck" attitude but this was a different side of him.

I wished he would have showed that side more and didn't just act like the boy who comes from a troubled childhood and picks a fight with everyone he crosses.

"This is where we have to disagree" I said, sitting down next to him.

He turned to look at me, confusion written across his face.

"We have feelings for each other but I don't think it was love" I explained, "over the past couple of days I've had time to think and clear my head and I can't help but think we rushed into this relationship, let's be honest neither of us have the greatest experience: I've never had a relationship and in your last relationship you thought you were going to be a dad"

"So what are you saying?"

I sighed, placing a hand on his and entwining our fingers, "I think we both need to take some time apart because I don't think either of us have a clue of who we are"

This seemed to be the first time that I had seen Lip look heartbroken.

Once the words came out of my mouth, there was no way he could mask the way he felt. His eyes dropped to the floor. I felt like I had just told him Christmas was cancelled but I needed to do this.

I placed a kiss on his lips and he kissed back, almost desperately. This was not how I wanted it to end.

"Will you be okay?" I asked as we stood up.

"Not really but I'll have to be" he sighed, "just know that when you're ready, I'll be here"

I watched Lip, with a hand on my door handle, as he walked across the corridor and it seemed to go on forever.

I just hoped he will be okay.

This was a very cheesy chapter. I'm sorry. But it's not over yet for Lip and Luna and he's definitely not okay.

Thanks for reading and make sure you give the chapter a vote if you enjoyed it.

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