34- Key His Car

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[Molly Sanden - Why Am I Crying?]
Gabbie Hanna - Out Loud]
[Harry Styles - Sign of the Times]

When I woke up that morning, I was so happy there was still a couple of days left of spring break. I don't think I could push myself to a lecture today.

I felt physically sick, my eyes were sore and puffy and my back aches from sleeping on Callie's sofa.

She had been great support and I was grateful for that. I did feel bad for dropping all my drama on her but she had joked it off saying she had become bored since Josie and Will had moved out.

I didn't know if she was home or not and I didn't have the energy to go look for her. She could still be asleep for all I knew.

However, my questions were answered when she came through the front door with a brown paper bag with a well known logo on it and two to go cups of coffee.

"Whenever I deal with a bad break up I drown myself in junk food" Callie smiled holding up a McDonald's bag.

I was very hungry, I hadn't eaten anything since a little something when Lip and I were on the road back from his old house. It's crazy how much things can change in twenty four hours.

Callie came back and sat next to me on the sofa with two plates and spread out the food on the table. It smelled great and the paper was practically dripping in grease.

"So, what are you going to get up to today?" Callie asked and I didn't know what to tell her.

I sighed, "honestly, I have no idea, classes don't start for  another couple of days so I'm just going to mope around and cry I think"

All I could do was look at the food on my plate. On any other occasion, I could devour any type of fast food in minutes but I just didn't feel like it. Lip had taken away my appetite and that was hard to do.

"Are you going to talk to Lip any time soon?" Callie asked and I looked at her in shock.

"No, why would I?"

"Listen, Luna, I know this is what Lips like, he is a multiple girls at once kind of guy, but I honestly believed he really liked you, I don't think it was love bu-" she started.

"What do you mean 'you don't think it was love'?" I questioned her.

She sighed and took a drink from her coffee, "you only knew each other for a couple months, I don't think anyone is able to love someone after such a short time"

"Sometimes you just know, I loved him and I don't care if it was too soon, it was true and I thought he felt the same"

"What I'm trying to say is, you and Lip had something special and whether it was love or not, he cared about you and even with his reputation, I don't think he would have done something like this" Callie explained, "he really was different around you"

"Maybe he's just that good of an actor" I shrugged.

Callie rolled her eyes and chuckled, "no man is ever that good of an actor, there's more to the story, I think you should go and hear him out"

"I don't know, what if I go and he tells me that he never really cared for me and I was just one of his accomplishments?"

"Then you come back, we eat loads of shit and key his car"

"He doesn't have a car" I smiled, shaking my head a little. It's the closest thing I've had to a laugh since yesterday. It's the first real time I've smiled since yesterday.

"Then we key his door or some shit" Callie smiled, "we'll figure it out"

I thought about what Callie had said. Maybe there was something I wasn't hearing?

When I saw Matty and Lip together, I disconnected myself from both of them, without hearing reason from either. Maybe I should have heard Lip out? I just couldn't handle seeing him with her.

I would have to have time to think about it. I wasn't going to know straight away, at that moment in time, I had no idea what I was going to do.

Callie and I spent the rest of the day talking and trying to take my mind of Lip. We even set up a mattress and moved all my stuff into Josie's old room, I hadn't officially moved in but it was leading that way.

We had even talked about getting a small apartment somewhere. The one Callie lived in now was nice but rent was a lot cheaper when it was shared between three people. All of which had jobs.

Callie worked at a restaurant just off campus that was usually filled with a lot of college goers and I wasn't currently working. So down sizing would have to be a necessary.

Maybe it would be good to get a fresh start completely. We'll have to see.


Okay, I don't know why but for Callie's apartment, I'm really picturing Joey and Chandlers apartment from friends, just with three bedrooms and bigger. So do with that info what you will.

Hopefully, Luna will make up her mind and go and see Lip, he really does want to explain himself.

Anyway if you liked, please vote and comment. Or if you're feeling especially nice, give me a follow, I might even follow you back.

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