03- Why, Whenever I See You, Are You Alone?

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[James Bay- Let it Go]
[Maroon 5- She Will Be Loved]
[Mika- Happy Ending]

I was thankful for the lack of morning lectures the day after the party.

After Lip had so politely walked me home, I got dressed into my pyjamas and practically collapsed onto the bed.

Matty wasn't home last night and she wasn't home when I woke up. I wasn't worried as this was common for her after a party. She'll come back suggesting she looks like a hot mess but still looking gorgeous.

I packed my bag early afternoon ready for the day ahead. I had a psychology lecture which I was looking forward too.

I then got changed into a pair of ripped jeans and a long sleeved plain black shirt with a pair of black and black boots.

Also there may be a chance I could catch a glimpse of Lip again

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Also there may be a chance I could catch a glimpse of Lip again.

The mysterious boy with the curly hair made me feel intimidated in some way but when I spoke to him I felt like I could talk about anything with him.

I had a bit of time before my first class so I decided to go to my favourite place.

At the green where most students go during classes, there was a tree that created a nice shade when it was hot. No one seemed to go under it so it was perfect for me to work on my pictures.

The green was a buzz with student life, there were groups of people all talking and drinking coffee but I liked to sit on my own, I couldn't feel comfortable with people around me and I wasn't that great at making friends.

Amie and Matty were really the only friends I had. I wasn't really one of those girls that people talked to or took notice of and that was the way I liked it, I was nothing special and probably never will be.

I sat down and placed a cigarette in my mouth and took out my scrapbook flicking through till I reached my latest work.


Looking up, I saw a smirking Lip holding a cup of coffee in each hand.

By the looks of it, he was wearing the same pair of rolled up jeans and the same blue shirt from the party. I don't blame him, in college you wear what you can even if that does include wearing something and then re-wearing it.

"Thanks" I smiled taking the coffee from him.

He sat down next to me and watched me sticking pictures I had taken into my scrapbook.

"They're really good!" Lip exclaimed looking at the pictures, "are you taking a photography course?"

"No, it's just a hobby really" I said.

I loved photography but my mom always used to tell me, when she was sober, that it was too unpredictable to make a career out of and I should stick to something a little more academic.

"Oh, what's your major?" He asked.

"Psychology" I informed him, "what about you?"

"Oh, I'm undecided" he shrugged. I thought being undecided was just a myth I never realised people actually were undecided in college.

"So why do you not do photography?" He asked.

"Well, the whole idea of photography, I think, is to take pictures of what you think is moving and picturesque, if say for example I was a wedding photographer, I'm no longer taking pictures of what I want and more conforming to the demands of what other people want from me"

Lip looked at me with bright eyes like a child looking at presents on Christmas Day. The corners of his mouth was curled up in a small smile.

"So why, whenever I see you, are you alone?" Lip asked and I realised that he was right, both times I had seen him I was always a sizeable distance away from the groups of college students.

"I like being alone" I stated simply.

"I understand that but why? I thought the whole point of college was to be eccentric and do things you wouldn't normally do?"

"It is but I would much rather sit alone and read a book or watch a good tv show on Netflix than be at a party someone grinding on some sweaty guy that probably only has sex on his mind"

The cigarette I was holding had now been engulfed with ash so I put it out on the grass.

"You've really thought that through haven't you" he chuckled.

"Yes well the long nights of being alone gives you time for your mind to wonder and to practice any speeches in the mirror" I chuckled and Lip laughed.

His laugh was a beautiful sound, it was deep and the way his eyes scrunched up and wrinkles appeared around the corners reminded me of a child.

"Hey if you ever need company just give me a call" he said taking a pencil and a separate piece of paper before writing a series of digits on it: his phone number.

"Careful, I might just take you up on that offer" I smiled and my heart fluttered as he handed me the small paper.

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