15- Elementary School Shit

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[Beyoncé- Formation]
[Bea Miller- Fire and Gold]
[The Black Eyed Peas- Where is the Love?]
[Twenty one Pilots- Stressed Out]

"Are you sure we should do this? I mean I'm sure Lip had a perfectly valid reason as to why he didn't kiss me and I'm sure he could just text me that reason" I asked Callie as we walked up to Lips dorm room.

Callie had the idea to confront Lip as to why he didn't kiss me but surely going all the way to his dorm is too much?

"You could leave it and never find out the real reason" she shrugged, "or you could ask him and know for sure" I had a feeling Callie liked to be overdramatic. In some situations she acted like it was the end of the world and others acted as if it were no big deal.

We were around the corner from Lips door and I stopped dead in my tracks. I had told Callie that I didn't care if Lip kissed me or not. It was just a kiss, elementary school shit.

We were adults, I didn't need to overthink this. I didn't need answers.

However, I wanted them. From what I've heard, Lip has made out with, and more, with half the women in this college and not just students. Was I so grotesque that Lip couldn't kiss me?

"Look, do what you want but if its something that your going to overthink for years then you might as well ask" Callie stated.

She was right, I did want to know why, even if it was elementary school shit

"Okay, come on" I sighed, finally plucking up the courage to take a step forward.

"What? I'm not going with you!" Callie said.

"Wait, why?"

"Luna, I'd look like a fucking potato just standing there while you two talk, this is something you need to do on your own"

She was right, I didn't know what I was expecting but this was Callie's idea and she's providing me with the motivation I need.

"What should I do?" I started to panic.

"Look, you're just talking, go up, knock on the door and just ask to talk" she explained, "okay?"


I continued to walk up to Lips dorm but stopped once I was facing the door.

I looked back at Callie for support and she gave me a thumbs up before miming for me to knock on the door.

Come on Luna, you can do this, you are not going to let a boy have you become a scared, bumbling idiot.

I took a deep breath before finally plucking up the courage to knock on the door.

Lip answered wearing only boxer shorts and a shirt with a lot of profanity written on it, something I know very well from Amie.

"Hey, I didn't know you were coming over" he said in a raspy voice as he ran his fingers through his hair and it became obvious to me that he had just woke up.

"I didn't either" I shrugged.

"Well, come in" he said moving to the side to make way for me to enter.

I strutted confidently into his dorm room channeling my inner Callie.

"So, what's up?"

"Why didn't you kiss me?" I asked almost straight away but didn't just shock Lip but me also.

"W-what?" Lip questioned rubbing his eyes with his knuckles.

"After our date, you didn't kiss me and you always seem to be kissing someone so why not me?"

Lip looked very confused and his eyebrows were furrowed which caused a line to indent between his eyebrows.

I must have looked like a crazy person; standing in his dorm and demanding an explanation for something so childish.

"I didn't realise it was a problem" he started, "it's just, I thought you wanted to take it slow, you know not to rush into anything I was I just giving you what you wanted.

It surprised me that Lip had thought it through like that. I didn't want to rush anything because I knew that Lip had been with so many girls before me and if our relationship was something real, I wanted it to be different.

"Really?" I asked.

He sat down next to me and sighed, "well yeah, I wanted you to be different, special"

I looked up at him into his crisp blue eyes and I melted right then and there.

"But if you don't want to take it slow, we could always occupy our time with other things" he smirked, inching that little bit closer to me

"Really what do you propose?" I smiled moving closer still.

Eventually, Lip closed the gap between us and pressed his lips against mine.

It was slow and passionate but grew more and more hungry as time passed.

He ran his tongue against my bottom lip which made me feel all the more weaker.

Lip reached down and lifted my shirt over my head; only breaking contact when the shirt came between us.

I knew I should stop but I didn't want to. It took all my energy and strength to finally pull away and I looked down to the floor.

"Wait" I said as I rested my forehead against his, "I meant what I said about taking it slow, if we're serious, I want this to be different"

"I'm serious about this Luna, I'm serious about you" he reassured me.

And he stood up to pick up my shirt which he had earlier thrown on the floor.

"It's going to be hard, I mean, have you seen you" he smirked looking me up and down.

Suddenly, I realised how exposed I was. My full top half was on show with only a white Calvin Klein t-shirt bra to cover me up.

What Lip said stuck with me. I've never been the type of girl boys drooled over. I mean I had been told by people that I had good skin and that my face is good for saying I don't wear make up. But the lust in Lips eyes made me feel hot, even sexy.

He handed me my shirt back and I sighed, holding it in my hands before pulling it over my head.

"Is it bad I don't want to go back to my dorm?" I admitted. I knew that if I were to go back, I would be met my two judgemental friends who I would have to lie to.

"Hey, you can stay here if you want" Lip shrugged.

I looked up at him with one raised eyebrow, "you serious?"

"Yeah, you can sleep in one of my shirts, in bed"

"And nothing will happen, no sexy business?"

"None, I'll even sleep on the floor if it will make you more comfortable"

"No, you can sleep with me but just sleep"

He laughed and proceeded to dig around his drawers until he found what looked like the only folded piece of clothing he had. It was a plain white shirt.

Lip handed it to me and I proceeded to swap shirts into the very baggy and much more comfortable shirt before pushing my skinny jeans to the floor and I swear I could see Lips pupils dilate.

hey guys! Thank you for being so patient with me but the good news is I will be able to update more because exams are finished and I will have more time.

also, I have decided I am going to start posting every other Wednesday day so not next week but the week after is when I'll post again.

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