08- Definitely Not a Turkey

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[just the whole new ed sheeran album]

Yes, it was a Saturday. Yes, there are no classes. Yes, people are going to spend that Saturday partying or chilling. And yes, I am going to spend that Saturday in the library.

After breakfast with my friends, I decided I needed some alone time and a quiet place where I could get work done, one place I could do this was the library.

I bid my friends the farewell and set off on the long walk to the other side of the campus where an old building that was falling to pieces and rattled in the wind stood: the library.

Our dorm was situated in what we call party section. The part of the dorm room that always seemed to hold the loudest and most wild parties.

The hallway itself looked like an apocalypse had occurred over night. Red solo cups were all over the floor and toilet roll everywhere for some reason. One guy was sound asleep with a pair of underpants on his head, and further down the hall a girl was throwing up into a bucket.

As I turned the corner I bumped into someone I have grown close to over the last few days: Lip.

The last time I saw Lip he was kicked out my dorm by my best friends who had caught us asleep in each other's arms. After I explained myself, they encouraged me to rid the thing that is Lip Gallagher out of my life.

So I decided I would do that. I knew this new found friendship would not last long, people like Lip are not friends with people like me.

I would stop, like when your addicted to a drug but want to quit, quitting cold turkey. Except he is definitely not a turkey.

"Hey, I was just coming to see you" he smiled, that smile that feels like a stab in my heart, not to be dramatic.

"I was just going to the library" I wasn't going to lie. But yes I was going to make the conversation as short as possible.

"Oh that's cool, I'll come I could actually get some work done" he replied.

"Do you even know where the library is?" I questioned.

Lip played the party boy slack but I feel there is more than that if you get to know him.

He laughed awkwardly, "better late than never"

"I kind of just wanted to be alone" okay that was lie. I wanted more than anything for Lip to be with me but I promised.

"Are you trying to get rid of me, Luna?" He asked.

Suddenly there was a hint of sadness in his eyes but it seemed to be a sense of normality like he is used to being let down and that's when my heart broke.

"I promised" I sighed.

"Promised who?"

"My friends, the ones you met this morning" I admitted, I wasn't proud of it and standing there at the moment made me realise how stupid so was being and I wanted Lip to slap me as hard as he could just to knock some sense into me.

"So do they make all your decisions for you?" Lip said, if I didn't know any better I'd say he was trying to be rude.

"No, but I trust them"

"And you don't trust me?" Lip questioned taking a step back.

His eyebrows were furrowed and there was a pinkish tint in his cheeks.

Doors around us opened and closed and students walked past us in their own worlds. They didn't care about the two people in the hall.

"It's just... I've known them for longer and we're so different, we can't be friends" I said, all the fears I had over these past few days coming out all at once.

"You know what Luna, call me when you know what the fuck you want and not your friends" Lip said, his voice filled with anger.

"Lip..." I sighed but he was already walking away.

Why was I so stupid? Lip had been a great friend to me and I fucked it up. All because of what? Because my friends who ditch me every chance they got told me he's not right for me. What do they know?

I sighed and continued to the library, the one place silence was necessary and I could be alone with my thought but that was the problem.

The library was too quiet and even the smallest noise echoed. The books each had a layer of dust on them because although there was a few people here, they were all still using their phones or laptops.

I couldn't get anything done. I hated what I had said to Lip.

The altercation was being repeated in my head over and over and I needed to speak to someone about it. I couldn't talk to Matty and Amie about it and I could no longer talk to Lip.

My mind went back to Callie who I met earlier this week.

I sent her a quick text:

Luna: Can we meet?

Callie: Sure, coffee shop 2o mins ?

Luna: Perfect!

Callie: :)

I packed my books in bags and headed for the coffee shop, I wasn't going to get much done anyway.


Hey guys! Quick note, I just wanted to say thank you to all the love and appreciation this story has got. It's almost at 1K reads which doesn't sound like much but is to me.

Thank you so much to all of you and I really appreciate it :)

Stay tuned for what Luna will do...

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