28- Run Off With a Butch Lesbian

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[Gabbie Hanna - Out Loud]
[Shawn Mendes - Stitches]
[Louis Tomlinson - Just Like You]
[Coldplay - The Scientist]

The Gallaghers all piled into the front room where an extremely intoxicated man shuffled around picking up beer bottle and shaking them, then proceeding to take swigs out of them when they weren't fully empty.

He placed an old, half burned cigarette bud in his mouth a lazily looked around for a lighter, making a large mess as he left.

"What do you want Frank?" Fiona said, taking the front like a mama bear protecting her cubs. Lip followed closely behind.

He had told me about his father, the infamous, Frank Gallagher. Lip had described him as a "leaching no good dad who left them when they really needed him".

They had tried to kick him out countless of times but he always seemed to stroll back in like nothing had happened.

"Can't a man take comfort in his own home?" He groaned, still looking for a lighter, "I gave you the gift of life, be a little more grateful"

Frank lived up to his expectations. He looked unwashed and his hair that ended at his jaw looked greasy. He wore a a grey beanie, plain white shirt and a Borg jacket. His jeans had a small tear in the jeans and his trainers looked worn and old.

"Not tonight Frank" Lip rolled his eyes.

"You know wh-" he said looking up but stopped in his tracks when his eyes landed on me, "I didn't conceive you did I? I was on so many drugs back then it's hard to remember"

"I'm Luna, Lips girlfriend from college" I introduced and Lip moved to my side.

He was like ice next to me: rigid and cold.

"Girlfriend wow" Frank sighed, finally finding a lighter and using it to light his cigarette before collapsing on the couch, "Lip, you know, I thought you were better than that, you should know that girls are not appropriate long terms. She'll probably end up like your mother and run off with a butch lesbian"

Lip seemed to relax when he thought that Frank didn't mean harm. I wasn't surprised he had always said that Frank was like a sore you couldn't get rid of but he didn't mean any harm.

"I don't think that's true" Lip said.

"Oh believe me son, it is! You think you know someone but it turns out their clinically bipolar and you never see them again, take it from daddy frank"

Frank took another drink from the half empty beer can that, I believe, I had left.

He didn't move much until he remembered something and stood up.

"You're all so rude, have you treated Luna to some food and a drink?" He asked.

"Yeah we were just in the middle of that actually" Fiona rolled her eyes gesturing to the kitchen.

"Well let's go eat" he said, making his way into the kitchen before Fiona stopped him.

The Gallaghers had become an army. Them against their no good dad. It was sad but always empowering to see them standing together against a common enemy.

"What do you want Frank?" Fiona questioned him.

Lip had told me that the only time Frank actually came round and acted nice was when he wanted something. It was usually along the lines of money.

"I was wondering if I could borrow a couple of bucks, I'll pay it back I swear"

"Ugh no, get him out" Fiona groaned.

Lip took one arm of Franks arm and Ian took the other. Although being younger, Ian had many inches on both Lip and Frank and looked a lot more muscular.

They began to pull him out of the house, Debbie running around them to open the front door.

"Come on! Do you think this is a good example for your guest? 'Cause I don't" he said before being thrown out.

A loud "ow" could be heard followed by Frank ranting, "Fucking kids, for fucks sake, so disrespectful, this is the thanks I get? Fuck you"

"Fuck off Frank" Fiona shouted.

We all stood in silence for a few seconds. Most of the silence being taken up by Lip and Ian's heaving breathing due to Franks struggles.

"Now you've met our dad" Lip said, breaking the silence first.

"I don't think he liked me that much" I replied and everyone seemed to find it hilarious.


It was much later in the night, after many more beers and more stories about Lip growing up. It was as if our night had never been interrupted by Frank.

Debbie, Carl and Liam had all gone to bed and Ian had joined them not far after them.

I yawned, covering my mouth with my hand. I was tired, Lip and I had been travelling for a while and everything with Frank really took it all out of us.

"Fiona, we're going to get up to bed" Lip told Fiona and I was quick to agree.

"That's cool, you guys head up, I'm just going to tidy up in the kitchen"

"You sure you don't need any help?"

"No, get up stairs!"

Lip began up the stairs and I followed him.

His room wasn't that big. Most of the space was taken up by a bed and dresser with a little bedside table next to the bed. Lip must see his dorm room as a castle compared to this.

Lip closed the door and I sat on the bed. He leaned over and placed a kiss on my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck as the kiss became more passionate.

Lip began to take off my shirt and I quickly took off his. He started to unbutton my jeans but I stopped him.

I placed a hand on his bare chest, both us breathing heavily. Our foreheads touching, both of our faces only inches apart.

"I am not having sex where your whole family can hear us" I said.

"Why? Frank used to do it all the time" he smirked but still moved next to me.

He rested his head on his hand and began to twirl a piece of my hair in between his thumb and finger.

"Tonight was a good night" Lip said, "except one or two hiccups"

"It was, I really enjoyed myself" I said but I couldn't help but feel distant.

Now that we were alone there seemed to be one question flying through my mind at full speed.


"Hm" he said looking at me.

"Who's Karen?"

Oh dear.

Sorry it took so long to update, I've been so busy and I just haven't had time. But it's a new year in a couple of days and I'm going to try and update at regular times.

I probably won't update till 2018 now so just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who read, commented and voted for the story. Let's hope the new year is just as good!

Love y'all! 

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