04- Crazy Stalker Girl Fetish

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[Jess Glynne- Take Me Home]
[One Direction- Fools Gold]
[Victoria Justice- Cheer Me Up]

When I returned home I was greeted by a snoring Matty on her bed and an even louder snoring Amie on my own bed.

I rolled my eyes at them and knew if they had seen me they would have commented on it.

I sat at my desk and hunched over my laptop before plugging my phone into my laptop. I pulled up the picture I had taken the night before on Lip.

Playing my music quietly so I didn't wake the hungover sleeping girls, I started to work on the colour corrections and contrasts to make the picture as good as possible.

"Who's that?" I heard a voice ask from behind me.

I looked round to see Amie rubbing her eyes and looking over at my computer.

"No one" I lied, minimising the window.

"No, who is it?" She asked walking over to me and trying to take my laptop but I grabbed onto it.

I wanted my friendship with Lip to be a secret and separate from Matty and Amie. I knew if they knew I was talking with him they would always jump to an extreme.

My grip on my laptop tightened and Amie took it from me before sitting on my bed and opening up the window I had been trying desperately to hide.

"Lip Gallagher?" She questioned with furrowed eyebrows as she looked at the picture, "why have you got pictures of Lip Gallagher?"

I was offended by how she had handled the situation. What, I wasn't allowed to be friends with someone like Lip Gallagher?

"It was just for fun, can I please have my laptop back?" I asked trying to grab it out of my hand but she swatted it away as she started to swipe through the different edited pictures of him.

"Are you stalking him? Is this some crazy stalker girl fetish?"

"Wh- No, at the party he sat with me and there was a really good photo opportunity so I took it; he knows I have it"

"What's going on?" A tired Matty chimed in.

"Luna has pictures of Lip Gallagher on her computer!" Amie exclaimed.

"Ooh, lets see" Matty said sitting up on her bed.

Amie handed her my laptop much to my displeasure.

"He is gorgeous, but I'm more worried about why you have these photos Luna?" Matty said looking up at me.

"Guys, he knows I have them he was cool with me taking the pictures" I explained.

They both looked at me and then at each other.

"When were you with Lip Gallagher?" Matty questioned.

"At the party when you two ditched me to hang out with those boys, he sat down with me and we were just talking" I shrugged finally being able to take back my laptop and closing the program before shutting it down and placing it in my bag.

"So you're fucking him?" Amie laughed in a shocked expression that insulted me deeply.

I could fuck Lip if I wanted to but I didn't. I mean I did, of course I did, he was extremely good looking and I had heard he could do things that not many men could do.

"We're friends, I don't think that necessarily means fucking" I said.

"Good because he's really not your type" Amie said.

My type? I didn't even know I had a type. I had had boyfriends in the past and I wasn't a virgin but I didn't think the boys I'd been in the past had similar characteristics that could be grouped to a "type".

"You know the guys you usually go for" Matty said moving from off her bed and almost inside her wardrobe probably looking for something to wear.

"I know what a type is Matty, I just didn't know I had one"

"Yeah you know it's the underdogs, the guys who aren't the greatest looks but you always say they had a killer personality but they were always kind of boring" Amie shrugged like it was no big deal that she had practically just shit all over my love life.

"So you're saying my type is an ugly guy with no sense of humour and a crappy personality?"

"Yeah" Matty jumped into the conversation.

"And you're not Lips type either" Amie continued, "Lip likes the overly pretty and outgoing type of girl whose up for anything and that's just not you"

I grabbed my bag and before storming out and telling them, "I have a lecture to get to"

They're comments did upset me but in the back of my mind I kind of knew they were true. Yes, the guys I dated weren't overly good looking but that never was a deal breaker, looks are just a small thing and I tend to look at the whole picture.

The walk to the lecture hall was long and quiet. Lip was right, I am always alone. I stared at the people around me and they all at least had one person but not me.

I sat down second row from the front in the hall and pulled out my notebook. I didn't like to use my laptop for taking notes, I wasn't a fast typer so by the time I've put one point the professor had already explained three more.

My bag was filled with junk: food wrappers, lip glosses, a comb and numerous chapsticks that I had forgotten about and brought another one but no pen.

There was a girl a few seats across from me. She had dark purple hair that was put up in a bun.

"Excuse me, do you have a pen?" I asked moving a few seats to sit next to her.

She looked at me and shook her head with a smile before reaching into her black back pack and taking out a pen.

"Thank you" I smiled and stood up to move back to my seat.

"You can stay there if you want" she smiled, I'm Callie"

"Luna" I replied and reached over to slide my bag to my new seat.

The lecture started a little after that and I was engrossed but Callie seemed nice and she gave off a better vibe than Matty and Amie ever did.

Maybe I was better at making friends than I thought.

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