26- If Great Means Terrible Then Sure

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[Charlie XCX - Boys]
[5 Seconds of Summer - Wherever You Are]
[LANY - Super Far]
[Harry Styles - Sweet Creature]

The professor ended my last lecture of the semester.

The college students around me quickly began to pack up their bags, trying to get out and start their spring break as fast as they could.

Callie and I took our time, not wanting to dive into the rush of students going back to their dorm room to pack their bags.

"Do you have any plans?" I asked Callie.

"My sister lives in England so I thought I would go see her" she answered.

"Thats awesome, I've never been" I had never really been on holiday. Before moving to university I had never left my city.

"What about you? Going away with those friends of yours?" She asked.

"No, I'm meeting Lips family" I replied. I was nervous about meeting his family. It was a new experience for me and I could only hope that they liked me.

Callie and I walked out towards the green. There were classmates hugging all around and rolling their suitcases. Spring break was a big deal.

"Ooh, already meeting the family? Nervous?"

"You could say that"

Callie and I said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

Meeting Lips family was a big step. He always spoke so highly of his siblings and I really wanted them to like me.

Once I got back to Lips dorm room, I let the nerves take over.

What should I wear? Do I want to be casual or formal? Should I have brought gifts for them? Should I bring them flowers? A bottle of wine? Do they drink wine?

"You okay?" Lip asked from across the room.

He was stood by the window, holding a cigarette and directing the smoke out the way of the dorm room, considering we're not technically allowed to smoke.

"Yeah, just a little scared about meeting your family" I told him as I joined him by the window and took a cigarette for myself out before lighting it.

"Don't be! They're going to love you" he assured me.

"But how do you know that?"

"Because I love you"

I know Lip was trying to make me feel better and I appreciate it but I couldn't get rid of this doubt in my mind that I'm going to do something to fuck things up.

"Right, get packed! We've got a long drive ahead of us" he announced.

"You don't even have a car?"

He held up a car key with a smirk on his face.

"Please don't tell me you stole them, I can't be a prison wife" I joked.

"No, a friend of mines letting me borrow his car, it just has to be in the same exact condition of what he left it.

"Maybe I should drive then" I laughed before taking the keys out his hand.

"Excuse me? I'm a great driver" he protested.

"If great means terrible then sure"

He laughed and I threw the keys back at him which he caught in one hand.

"Let's just hope there's no one on the roads"

I began to pack a duffle bag to take with me to visit Lips parents. A few pairs of jeans and a couple shirts would suffice.

Lip said we would only be staying for a week but if we wanted we could stay longer, which actually meant if they liked me we would stay longer.

I was excited to see how Lip was brought up and what had, to put it the soppy way, had made him the person he is today.

He had warned me before that his dad was extremely problematic and scrounges off everyone just to get his next drink.

"When do you want to leave?"  I asked him as I zipped up the main compartment of the duffle bag and collected my toothbrush from the bathroom.

"Any times good, the drives not bad but will take a few hours so put on something comfy" Lip informed me.

I took his advice and changed into something I would feel comfortable sitting in a car for a few hours on end.

"Ready?" Lip asked.

"Are you not bringing anything?" I questioned.

"Nah, my toothbrush is in your bag but most of my clothes are already there" he pointed out.

He took my duffle bag from the bed and we walked down to where the car was sitting.

It was a little beaten with a dent here and there and the paint was beginning to wear off a bit but Lip swore that it would get us to Lips house and it's better than taking "like six buses" as Lip put it.

It didn't bother me. I grew up being driven in cars in much worse conditions than this. Cars that you thought would stop and quit on you in any moment.

So we got in the car, Lip started the car, which took a few try's, and eventually we were off.


The journey was long and Lip and I had stopped for food, my treat, on the way as both of us had had nothing to eat all day.

We were finally driving into the South Side of Chicago and my nerves began to grow.

The South Side reminded me a lot of my home and where I grew up: the houses weren't in the greatest conditions; the bars seemed over crowded and there was a lot of drunks.

After a couple more minutes of driving we stopped out a house, similar to the rest on the street.

There was a metal fence around the front and the front window had a crack in it. Now it was no palace but it was important to Lip so therefore important to me.

He had been so excited once we had finally reached the South Side, like a child being told he can pick anything in the sweet shop.

He killed the engine for the car and looked at me, a smile growing on his face.

"Ready?" He asked.

I took a deep breath, "let's do it"

Hey guys, I'm so sorry it took so long to update, I had a bit of a writers block, I bet you can tell from the gross chapter. I promise I'll try to do better next time!

Also, I love reading the comments you guys write so please leave more if you do like the story because I love it!

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