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As the last bell of the day rang loud and clear, Vivian found Dee among the students by his bike. As though he'd sensed where she wanted to go, Dee got them both on his bike and headed straight for the Community Centre.

The grass they sat on was green but dry. But the grass didn't interest her, and, for the moment, neither did any of her questions. Dee did. The way the longer hair at the front moved in the wind did, the way his vibrant blue eyes took in everything around them as though he was her own personal bodyguard. The way he lounged as though nothing could touch him.

But then Dee looked at her, slit-like eyes with a white line around them fully focused on her. Taking in all her features, and caressing her with his eyes, as though he thought she looked beautiful. And for a moment, she did. But then reality hit and Vivian turned so that he would have the clean side of her face.

"What's a rumag?" Vivian asked, turning back to him slightly. Still, even though he'd tried to tell her, she didn't understand.

But Dee seemed calm, and answered her as though he could answer anything she asked. "A draca mate."

"What does that mean?" Vivian said on a sigh. That was one of the problems. Whenever she got an actual answer, she didn't understand it.

"You know how they say wolves have a 'mate'?"

Vivian nodded.

"It's a little like that. I think the human version would be soul-mate."

"So you think I'm your soul-mate."

Vivian saw his eyes flash a dangerous light. "I don't think anything. I know you are, Vivian."


Dee shook his head. "The magic that they put on you confused me at first. But, when I saw you with Suresha... I knew. I just knew you were my rumag."

Vivian looked down, then back to him when he began to speak again.

"It was like my and your fear combined managed to break part of the magic so that I could see the truth. See who you really were to me. And then the telepathy confirmed it."

His hand reached for her then, and Vivian took it in both of hers, rubbing his knuckles with her thumbs. Her hands looked tiny compared his. Two of hers cradled one.

"Only mates can use telepathy?" Vivian asked.

Dee shrugged. "With the dracan, yes. But I don't think all vampyre mates can."

Vivian debated for a moment but finally decided to see what Dee would think. "The Brotherhood and Damon can speak to me telepathically." Vivian swallowed when she heard the rumble of a growl coming from Dee. And it wasn't a nice sound, it was threatening. "They said it's because of the mark we all share from Ashley."

The growl stopped, but the look in Dee's eyes said he'd only stopped the growl because he'd seen her shift in fear of it. There was death in that one look. And Vivian called herself stupid for ever mentioning it.

Swallowing the fear that rose, Vivian moved closer to the predator that lay next to her. Either he didn't notice or he was ignoring her because he never looked her way. But when there was little distance left, Dee moved faster than she'd ever seen him move before and her heart pounded in her chest. Now she lay on the ground and Dee lay over her, holding her wrists in one of his hands above her head. To onlookers it might have looked like they were making out. But Vivian looked up at Dee to see his eyes glowing as though a candle of rage had been lit behind them.

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