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Maize wasn't quiet sure what to think when she was met by an angry red-brown, curly haired with leaf green eyed woman at the entrance of one the many Vayre hotel's across Europe, where Galina's parents were staying. Where she was now staying.

"Mum!" Galina ran over as though she was actually ten years old, and Maize watched as the woman's glare changed to one of love as she turned with a brilliant smile to her daughter.

Great, Maize thought, I've upset my mate's mother and I haven't even done anything. Typical. Dealing with others emotions was one of the reasons Maize had kept to herself over the years. Sure, it had been lonely. And she knew that now more than ever since Galina had entered her life. But it had been peaceful. Or it would have been if Micah had let her kill his mate's blood son. But he hadn't, and from then on, they'd all suffered with Nick Leon and his fire.

Maize turned her head to Vlad who was helping her get the bags out of the back of the car. Like his mother, his eyes were a leaf green, and as he had no hair on his head, Maize couldn't tell whether that, too, came from his mother or from his father. With his size, he made her think of a bouncer at a humans night club.

Maize spoke in Vlad's native tongue. "Why is your mother glaring at me?"

Vlad raised his eyebrows at her. Why, she wasn't sure. "One, your Galina's mate, and she's heard about 'Ashley's Storm'." He rolled his eyes. "And so, I offer you good luck. But she also knows about Galina's latest vision."


Again he raised an eyebrow. "So, Ashley's Storm, who is mated to her daughter, is a coward that runs from things a seer has seen."

"We came here for Galina's protection," Maize snapped.

"Not how mother sees it, Maize."

Picking up the bags, Vlad and Maize then headed over to the angry, red-brown headed woman called Tanya. Once they'd reached them, Vlad received an enthusiastic hug. But Maize? A glare. Great.

Galina looked worried, but came over and took her bag from Maize. "I'm staying with Maize while we're here."

Tanya's mouth dropped. "I think not. You can stay with us. We have a room ready."

Galina looked slightly panicked.

"She's staying with me," Maize told Tanya. She didn't care if she upset Galina's mother in that moment, Tanya already hated her. "Let's go find our room, Galina."

Then Maize wanted to sigh when Galina's face showed her indecision.

"I'll be back in minute."

With that, Maize went into the hotel that was several floors high. There were no balconies, just like all the other hotels. Kind of pointless when vampyre's couldn't go out during the day. The inside of the hotel was cream, white, and green from the plants. It looked like a hotel that a human would have to spend thousands for a single room for a single night. But all the Vayre hotels were grand, and as the hotels were for Ashley's vampyre's, it wasn't expensive. Not that expense mattered. Before becoming a waitress at the bars that Micah Leon, her leader under Ashley, owned, Ashley had paid her for surviving the wars. Maize knew that not all her vampyre's had been paid. Not that any had complained when they hadn't. Out loud.

Reaching the reception, Maize questioned a blond haired, green eyed vampyre which room was Galina and hers. Once she had the keys, she went back to Galina who'd moved into main room with her mother. Vlad had disappeared.

As Maize approached, Tanya's body language changed. Maize growled as she approached. Galina turned to her wide-eyed.

"What is your problem?" Maize demanded in the Galina's native tongue to Galina's mother.

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