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Everyone gathered around the table, but Amy, Ethan and I held back because we hadn't a clue what was going on.

Kat began pouring wine into 10 glasses, claiming that we couldn't begin until everyone was at least slightly tipsy because, after all, this was a sleepover.

Still confused, I said, "Guys, we've never been to one of these sleepovers before. Please tell us what's going on."

"Oh my gosh we forgot that you've never been to a squad sleepover!" Candice exclaimed, "Basically, we have a series of challenges and whoever loses each one has to take shots. It's lots of fun. Usually we start with dares because that's when the most people forfeit and then they get drunk and agree to other challenges later!" she grinned widely, probably thinking about things that people have done in the past. 

I smiled back. This should be fun. 

Once everyone had a glass of wine in hand, Kat called out, "Everyone choose a partner!"

Ian immediately grabbed my hand a I smiled up at him. Amy and Joseph were together, as were Paul and Phoebe. Kat and Candice chose each other because of "tradition", leaving Ethan with Daniel.

"Right, we'll start by giving a dare to...." Candice scanned the room, before her eyes landed on Ian and I, "Nian!"

She consulted Kat for a few seconds before turning back to us. 

"Make out for five minutes," she said simply.

I smirked, "We do that anyways."

"You didn't let me finish. Make out without a shirt on." She grinned devilishly. 

I rolled my eyes, "Do I have to take off my bra too?"

"Nope," Kat spoke up, "Ian can do that for you."

He sighed, "I'd love to, but I don't want all of these other men seeing my girlfriend half naked."

"Too late for that, dude," Ethan said and I burst into laughter at Ian's confused expression.

"He's my best friend and he's gay! Don't worry," I assured him.

I reluctantly discarded my t-shirt (to hoots and whistles from Daniel) and climbed onto Ian's lap so that I was straddling him. At least this way only he could see my boobs properly. 

We began to heatedly make out, with my bra on the floor after approximately 30 seconds. I managed to block out everyone else out until Candice got bored after 2 minutes and said we could stop. I looked up and blushed. 

After realizing that Amy had mischievously stolen our clothes and put them in the kitchen, we grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around ourselves before continuing with the game. 

For the next half hour, Ethan and Daniel had to moon the neighborhood through the window, Amy and Joseph were asked to share the details of their time upstairs (thank god they forfeited), Paul and Phoebe had to do the same as Ian and I did (but Amy didn't steal their clothes) and then Kat and Candice refused to take 5 shots each, taking just 1 as their forfeit. 

Everyone soon got bored of dares and moved on to challenge number two, which was to build the ultimate blanket fort. For this one, we ditched our partners and separated into boys and girls. As it was Kat's house, girls got priority over which room we used, so we chose the living room/ dining room. 

The boys went off to the second living room and then everyone raced upstairs to grab as many blankets/duvets/pillows/mattresses as possible. 

Then we got to work. We girls had good coordination and actually listened to each other, so ours ended up looking fabulous.

The same couldn't be said for the boys though, so their's looked like they'd just thrown a pile of blankets into the middle of the room.

There was a clear winner. 

Next came the race to see who could change into their pajamas the quickest. I came fourth, after Daniel, Candice and Paul. Kat was fifth, then came Amy, Ian, Ethan and lastly Joseph. His forfeit was to firstly take two shots, and then prepare all of the sleepover food. 

Everyone snuggled up in the winning fort and we just talked about everything. We made plans for Christmas dinner at Paul and Phoebe's, and for me,  Amy and Ethan to join everyone on set for the next week, before they had time off of work for Christmas. 

Soon enough, Ian and Daniel fell asleep, so, naturally, we had to decorate them with squirty cream. I tackled Ian with Ethan while Paul and Candice worked on Daniel. Amy and Phoebe had dosed off too, but girl code meant that Kat had to protect them from the boys. Joseph sat and filmed it, laughing throughout the whole thing. 

Just as I was applying the second eyebrow, Ian woke.

I started giggling at his expression, but soon realized my mistake when he lunged for me and I didn't have time to run. He grabbed me around my waist and hugged me tightly, smothering me in cream. 

"I'm sorry!" I screamed, struggling to get free. Eventually he let go and leaned down to kiss me. I gladly kissed back and he said he forgave me. A few hours later everyone decided it would be best to go upstairs to bed, so we each said goodnight and separated into our own rooms.

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