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Quick A/N: Please comment some ideas about what you want to see throughout this book. I do have ideas for the main plot but would like to take into account some of my readers' ideas too! xx


Soon enough,Ian pulled into a driveway and stepped out of the car. I, however, stared in awe at the large house before me. It was gorgeous, completely different to what you'd find on the streets of England. 

Ian opened the passenger door and said, "Nat, are you going to get out?"

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Ian opened the passenger door and said, "Nat, are you going to get out?"

I jumped out of my daze and nodded, taking his hand and stepping out. 

We walked together to the front door and Ian opened it. Almost immediately, he was engulfed in a hug from his mother. When he pulled away, his mum turned to me. 

"Oh you must be Natalie! Ian's told us so much about you!"

"Hi, it's very nice to meet you, Mrs Somerhalder." I smiled. 

"I'm not surprised he fell for you with that cute accent!" she beamed, "and please, do call me Edna."

With that, Edna pulled me into a warm hug, which I happily returned, before turning to Ian's dad (who I've been told to call Robert) and was pulled into yet another hug. 

Finally, I greeted Robyn, Ian's sister, and hugged her, before she lead me into the cosy living room and we sat down, talking about Ian and fashion and books and my new little Ash (who I forgot to mention was actually there with us).

We all started playing cards together but I couldn't seem to get the hang of it so in the end I volunteered to help Edna in the kitchen. 

As I mashed the potatoes, she suddenly said, "Is Ian good to you?"

Confused, I replied, "Of course. Why wouldn't he be?"

"I just can't help thinking that he must've done something for Nikki to cheat on him."

"If he did he hasn't told me. But some people are just cruel like that. She probably didn't have a reason." I suggested. 

"You're probably right. Ian wouldn't do anything bad."

That got me thinking. Would he do anything to Nikki to urge her to cheat?

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head when lunch was ready. Everyone gathered around the table and dug into the food. Sausage and mash: one of my favourite meals. We talked about work and Ian and I's upcoming getaway to New York and various other random topics. 

That afternoon, the five of us watched a movie and had a mini buffet-style dinner. Robyn insisted on braiding my hair, so I obliged on the terms that I could do the same to hers afterwards. 

At around 10'o'clock, Ian and I decided it would be best to get going, seeing as we still had an hour to drive home. We bid his family goodbye and left. 

5+ votes for more :)

Sorry about the short chapter x

I Love You, Ian Somerhalder: A Fresh StartWhere stories live. Discover now