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PLEASE READ!!: Seeing as no one commented any ideas on my last chapter :( it seems like I'll just have to go with my own story-line. With what I have planned: some of you may not like it much. So, if you do have any ideas at all, please comment them. I feel like I'm not getting much feedback compared to the amount of reads here. Sorry to nag. I'll let you get on with the chapter now.

The week quickly passed. We ate lots of food and hung out with the squad, as well as playing with little Ash of course. Soon it was New Years Eve. The boys all got ready at Paul's house while us girls got ready at Kat's house. We were going to meet at the club.

I curled my hair, applied some subtle eye makeup with a bold red lip and changed into a figure hugging black dress with lace on the top half. I completed the look with some black heels.

"Oh my god Natalie! Ian is going to faint when he sees you!" Candice screeched when I emerged from the bathroom

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"Oh my god Natalie! Ian is going to faint when he sees you!" Candice screeched when I emerged from the bathroom.

"Why?" Amy queried from the kitchen, but when she came to look, her face twisted into a wide grin, "Yep! Ian is sooo lucky!!!"

Grinning back, I remarked, "Well, if you say so, but Ian won't be the only one. You're looking fabulous."

Once we were all ready for a long night out, we got an uber to the club where we were supposed to meet the boys. They were all there, wearing jeans and casual shirts. As we approached, I saw Ian's jaw visibly drop. Smirking, I teased, "Are you checking me out right now?"

"Shamelessly," he breathed.

Giggling, I leaned up to kiss him, "You don't clean up too badly yourself."

Joseph cleared his throat behind us, "Guys, if you're done, we would like to go inside."

"Oh shut it, at least we're not as bad as you two," I said, looking between Jo and Amy.

"You're not far off."

I let out a rather unattractive snort and turned, smiling, to walk into the nightclub.

We all found a table near the dance floor and began ordering shots almost immediately. I danced with Phoebe and Ethan until I spotted Ryan and Grace near the door. I ran over, "Hey guys!" I slurred, pulling them both into a group hug.

"Drunk already?" Grace asked.

Amy appeared and nodded on my behalf.

Grace laughed, "That's our Natalie."

We all laughed together and I dragged them to meet everyone else. I couldn't help but notice Ian looked a bit stiff as he shook Ryan's hand, but I brushed it off and went back to dancing, this time with Daniel, Kat and Amy. A couple of songs later, 'Call me Maybe' came on the speakers. My face lit up as I ran over to Ryan.

"This was our jam in Uni! Do you remember our routine?" I asked hopefully.

He grinned and nodded, so I dragged him with me to the dance floor and we danced together, laughing and just generally enjoying ourselves. When the song ended, we continued to dance until I was too tired to continue. Ryan still had the energy, so he stayed with Amy and Grace while I went back to the table to sit. When I caught Ian's eye, he seemed moody.

"Hey babe, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," he said bluntly.

I knew better than to believe him, so I asked again, "What's wrong?"

He sighed, "Why are you so fine with that stupid man?!" he roared, gesturing to Ryan.

"What do you mean?"

"He clearly hurt you, yet you still just talk and dance as if nothing went wrong. It's almost as if you two are back together again!"

I could hear the new year count down beginning.


"What? Back together? Ian he is getting married and I love you!"


"Could've fooled me," he sneered.


"Ian, you're not thinking straight. You're drunk."


"No, I just hate him and I think you're stupid if you could ever be okay with having someone that horrible in your life!!!" he yelled in my face.


The tears started to well up, "Oh, so I'm stupid now? Is that what you think of me?"


"Yes! That is what I think of you! You're a stupid, pathetic, attention- seeking whore! That's why you're dating me, isn't it? To get in the news. You love all of that attention," Ian snarled.


"That's not true and you know it! But you know what? Maybe this is why Nikki cheated on you! I certainly wouldn't want to marry you after you've said all of this!!"


I noticed Ian's nasty smirk fall, and it was replaced with a sort of sad look, but before he could reply, I grabbed my bag and ran outside.


I leaned against the wall and let the tears fall, with my face in my hands.

One! Happy New Year!

I heard all the cheers and fireworks in the distance. I knew I was supposed to be hugging my friends and enjoying this moment with them. I was supposed to be with Ian, sharing our New Year's kiss. But no. I was outside, alone on the streets with tear stained cheeks and no where to go.

Seeing as I had a key, I decided I would get an uber back to Ian's and sleep in one of the spare rooms furthest away from his.

So I did. When I got to his house I ran up the stairs and collapsed onto the bed in a room at the back. As I was still quite drunk, I took some water and paracetamol before crying myself to sleep.

5+ votes for more :)

Yay some drama! I realised that my books lack arguments and stuff so I added one in now. Hope you enjoyed it!

I Love You, Ian Somerhalder: A Fresh StartWhere stories live. Discover now