Chapter 6

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Time flew by and it was time for lunch. Robert walked with me and we were talking about Austin.

"So have you told Austin anything?" I was hopeful that Roberts answer would be no. He promised me so fingers crossed that he keeps his promises.

"No I promised you I wouldn't Jess. I like to keep my promises." phew! I'm in the clear. well for now at least. The cafeteria began coming closer and closer into sight and I could feel those butterflies again. I don't know how a person can make me feel this way. especially after 2 days. this is crazy and exciting and terrifying at the same time. what's gonna happen in a week from now?

"Jess are you okay?" we were already at the cafeteria doors and I wasn't moving. I couldn't move. I glanced over at rob and saw the look of worry on his face. what is happening why cant I move?

"Um yeah I think so. I just got really nervous for some reason and... I'll be fine" I smiled at rob and walked towards our table in the cafeteria. Alex and Zach were already there but Austin was no where in sight. I know he's here I've seen him all morning. Oh great I'm worried about him and I've only known him for 2 days.

"Oh hey Jess!" Alex chimed happily I was wondering why nobody was really concerned with the fact that Austin wasn't here. Did they know something I didn't? I slid out of the booth and let Sarah sit next to Alex. I looked at my phone and I had one notification. A new text message from ';)'. I forgot to change the name on the contact but looking at it made me happy.

"when ever you read this, meet me in the parking lot. I want to show you something."

The message was very simple but screamed so many possibilities at me. I was hesitant to go but I finally decided to leave.

"Hey guys I'll be right back I forgot my history book in my car." I tried to make a semi legit excuse. I think it worked because no one questioned me. when I got to the parking lot I saw Austin sitting in the back of his range rover. he hadn't seen me yet because he was on his phone. As I neared closer to the car, he finally looked up. He had a smile that I've never seen before. This was a smile that showed he was comfortable being around me, that showed how his whole demeanor changed when I was around. It looked like a thousand pounds had been lifted off his shoulders and he could smile again.

"Hey there gorgeous!" Austin was good at that. He could flirt at the drop of a hat and be smooth about it. He was very good at making me smile too. He was good at everything basically. That's what I liked most about him.

"Hi Austin" I replied happily while blushing. oh gosh I would blush in front of him. I hope he doesn't notice.

"Aww you're cute when you blush Jess." Damn it he noticed.

"Sorry it's weird I know just don't think about it." I was blushing even more know that he pointed it out. What a great conversationalist I am.

"So why did you want me to meet you out here?" I wanted to get straight to the point why were we out here and what did he need to tell me that couldn't say in front of everyone.

"Oh I wanted to ask you what you're doing tonight. If the answer is nothing then would you like to come over for dinner?" He asked with that same captivating smile. I was really happy that he asked me to meet his mom but I made plans with my mom for dinner.

"I would love to but my mom and I made dinner plans. I'm sorry. Actually it wasn't even us it was more like my mom made plans for us. We have to go eat at some lady's house for something. I couldn't argue with her so I just said I'd go." I didn't want to disappoint him but I couldn't blow off my mom.

"That's okay Jess. Maybe we can hang out later?"

"Sure! how about Friday night?" I was really looking forward to spending Friday with Austin. I hope he's not busy or anything.

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