Chapter 3

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My 2nd period class took a lot longer than 1st. I guess it was because i could feel Alexis watching every move i made. I was zoned out for quite some time and brought back by Alex tapping my shoulder and asking me if i was okay.

"Hey Jessica are you okay? You look scared and mad." Alex seemed really concerned. Who ever this Sarah girl was must be really lucky to have a guy like Alex.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just... Never mind it's not important." I brushed off the thought of telling Alex what happened for fear that he might tell Austin. Alex gave me a very perplexed look and i could tell he wasn't convinced.

"Do you wanna talk about it after class?" Alex was very determined to find out what was bugging me. And i guess i should be happy about that. It was niece to know that i had a friend or 2 on the first day of school.

"Yeah actually that would be great. But we need to make it fast because Austin is meeting me after class."

"Okay cool." Alex was a little too pleased that he could get info out of me that quickly. The class continued to drone on and i became more and more impatient. After what felt like forever the bell finally rang signaling us to go to 3rd period.

"Okay so what"s up? You just look really pissed right now." Alex was extremely eager to find out what was wrong. It wouldn't surprise me if he told Austin that's sort of what best friends do.

"What can you tell me about Alexis?" As soon as her name fell out of my mouth Alex's eyes got huge and he started getting nervous.

"Oh um I-I think we have an Alexis here but I'm not to sure. Maybe you could go ask the atten-"

"Alex are you hiding something from me?" I asked him a question with a tone in my voice that let him know i knew something was wrong and he better tell me the truth.

"What? pssh no why would you think that? that's crazy talk." Okay so he lied and he didn't do a very good job of lying. So how do I make him tell me? I really need to know why he was so quick to shoot down Alexis or tell me anything about her.

"Oh look Austin's coming. HEY AUSTIN!" Alex was yelling now to avoid anymore conversation about Alexis. When I turned around I saw Austin give me a huge smile and gave Alex a very confused look. He was probably wondering why Alex was yelling. Soon enough he reached us and gave Alex a look that let me know he wanted to be alone with me.

"So Alex did you ask Sarah anything yet?" Austin tried to give Alex an excuse to leave but Alex was to dumbfounded over the whole Alexis thing. It took Alex a minute to respond but when he finally got the words out he wasn't convincing anyone.

"Ummmm yes?" he made it seem more like a question Than an answer. I really hope he doesn't give off any signs to Austin. I think I'm gonna ask him myself.

"Okay great then why don't you go find her?" Alex ran away from us like he was running from a serial killer or something. Austin didn't seem to think too much of it because he just laughed. He had an adorable laugh. It was the kind of laugh you could listen to all day and never get tired of it.

"So how was Spanish?" Austin put his hands in his pocket and looked down. It almost looked like he was mad at himself for asking the wrong question. It was a cute look for him. I"m pretty sure anything would look good on him but this look was particularly intriguing.

"Um actually it could have been a lot better."

"Oh really what happened?" Tell him. just tell him, who is it going to hurt? my conscious kept telling me what to do but i just couldn't say it. I kept replaying what i was going to tell him in my head but i couldn't get my mouth to say the words.

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