Chapter 25

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Song of the chapter: The Weight Shawn Mendes


We got to the airport and the walk through security and to the plane was awful. The paparazzi were every where and I had to "be in love" with Camilla. she grabbed my hand and my first instinct was to pull away. But I grabbed her hand and walked into the airport with the best smile I could fake. She put her head on my shoulder as we waited for our plane to board and it was weird. I understand the reason behind her doing this but I was just mad that Jessica would have to see it.

"Flight 1247 to Miami Florida is now boarding. Flight 1247 to Miami now boarding." The woman over the loud speaker announced and I jumped up. I almost forgot about Camilla until she hit the floor from the loss of me keeping her up. I didn't mean to but it was like a jerk knee reaction and I bursted out laughing. I stuck my hand out for her to grab but she pulled me down to her level and stood up and walked towards the gate. I was on the floor shaking my head and stood up.

"This is going to be a long 3 days." I muttered under my breath. I guess I said it loud enough for Dave to hear cause he started laughing.

"Come on man it's just three days and then you get to go back to Jess. Besides you get to vacation in Miami before you move."

"I guess so. But I'm moving to Miami Dave! I just wish Jess could've come with me. I mean I know why we're going but I just wish Rocco wasn't so persistent on Camilla and I. I mean if Jess was famous he'd be all for it. I wish her acting career would take-"

I face palmed my self mid sentence realizing that I knew tons of people in the acting biz and I could help jump start her career. I was amazed that it took this long but it happened. when the plane landed I called Jess.

"Hey babe are you in Miami yet?"

"Yeah we just landed but I never put the puzzle together!"

"What puzzle Austin what are you talking about?"

"Okay well Jeff Davis is friends with Rocco and so is Sarah Shepard. so I was thinking I could talk to Rocco and see if he could talk to one of them and get you a guest role."

"Austin! I would love that but you don't have to do that for me. I mean if I'm serious about this then I should probably get started with out any help. I really love that you thought of me though."

"Are you sure? I mean I can still do it if you change your mind."

"No that won't be necessary babe. But thank you so very much! So how was the flight?"

"Eh it was as good as it could be sitting with Camilla and Rocco. I would've liked it better if you went."

"I know but wouldn't it look suspicious if you were all lovey with me and not your 'girlfriend'?"

"Yeah I guess. I hate this! I literally despise this! I just don't want to hide you anymore. And that's why I was thinking that if you let Rocco talk to Jeff or Sarah then maybe you'd be famous enough for Rocco to let me 'end things' with Camilla and 'start things' with you."

"You are an amazingly smart genius who I love with all of my heart but like I said I would like to do this on my own."

"What if I just help you meet them. Is that better?"

"I guess so. I wouldn't be getting any roles right of the bat meeting them so sure I'd love to meet them."

"Okay I'll talk to Rocco tomorrow!"

"Alright. I'm glad you had a safe flight."

"Me too. I love you and I'll call you tomorrow okay?

"Okay. I love you too Austin."

"Goodnight. sweet dreams Jess."

"Night babe."

Once our conversation was over we arrived at the hotel and the paparazzi are swarming. I don't even know how they find this information out. I booked my room under an alias and was very careful. I was ready to get out when Camilla pulled me back in.

"We're staying at different hotels you're down the street at the Fitz and I'm here. So we need to do something to make sure they don't find anything suspicious. You're gonna walk me to the door kiss me goodbye and be head over heels in love got it?"

"Camilla I am not-"

"Austin you don't have a choice. It's either me and a music career or that dumb bitch and your guitar at local cafe. You make the decision." I hated to admit it but she was right. if I ended it with her everyone would make me the bad guy and praise her.

"Let's get one thing straight the dumb bitch in the situation is not Jessica and if you ever talk about her like that again you will regret it. I'll play this little game that you have going on but trust that it ends the second we are alone and away from people." I opened the car door and smiled at the paparazzi surrounding us. I held my hand out for Camilla to grab and step out of the car. We got to the front desk and checked her in. She looked at me with a puppy dog face and grabbed my arm as we walked towards the front.

"Babe I'm really gonna miss you." She was swinging my arms back and forth and looking into my eyes.

"Aw Camilla It'll be fine." I said as I patted her head. She gave me a death glare so I pulled her into me for a hug.

"You get some rest now okay?"

"Okay. I love you austin."

That was it for me. I can't believe she did that. I just smiled slightly at her and placed a small kiss on her cheek.

"See ya tomorrow." I said walking out of the hotel and jumping into the car.

"So how was it? Were you two 'in love'?"

"Rocco I can't do this. she's trying to piss me off. How can she 'love me' if it's only the 3rd time we've been seen out? She's taking it too far man."

"Bro, Jessica said it was cool. so just play along and be nice and you can end it at 3 months instead of 5. If you really feel so strongly about her acting like this, I don't want anything else to happen with you and jess. I saw what it did to you the first time and I don't think you could handle a second time."

"Thanks Rocco. I really appreciate it. But can we count this as one of the 3 'dates'?"

"Sure. As long as y'all are seen together it should be fine."

I was really happy that Rocco was being understanding but I wish things weren't so difficult!

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