The Pack (Picture of Kendal)

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'Faster. It's getting away' My pack mate Akiko barked, We were deep in the forest on the trail of a pair of Shifters, But not our kind- Cats. The Cat Shifters were one of our biggest enemies, 'Luke, Get on my right' I thought towards the male in our group Luke.

The Cougar in front of us was quickly trying to get back to it's own territory as it realized we were gaining on him, He suddenly stopped and turned back around to look at us. I tilted my head in confusion as his tongue lolled out in a tired fashion, His tail flicked in a motion that the pack knew; To follow. 'Luke, Akiko, Lilly. Head the other way' I signaled them with a flick of my tail 'Harley, You okay?' I heard Lilly's voice in my mind and turned to see the small grey wolf hiding behind a tree. 'Lilly, I'm fine. I just need to talk to him' Akiko's dark brown wolf nodded and twitched her ear for Luke to follow, His silver grey wolf pounded over to the others. 

As soon as they were safely out of ear shot I followed the Big Cat. He shifted into a man I immediately recognized "Yes dear Harley, I'm a Healer in our Pride" I shifted at the man's words "What do you want?" I spoke as calmly as possible, In the Shifters the Healers are meant to be excluded from the common defenses except territory crossing.

"I have seen." The old man spoke.

"I have seen your fate, The boy is trouble. But trouble is already here with your mate's arrival" His eyes changed to those of his cat form.

"What do you mean 'The boy is trouble'?" I asked him, His eyes moved to me.

"The one your falling for."

"I don't love anyone" I quickly said in defense, Kendal and I were just friends. Nothing more.

The man laughed "Think what you want. Just know what's coming in your future."

I blinked in shock and tried to calm my nervous breaths as the man vanished in thin air. I knew the fully trained Healers could do that but was still distraught at the sight. I quickly Shifted and ran back to the others.

'You okay? You seem-' Luke started but I cut him off with a low snarl. Lilly shifted and leaned up against a tree, Her golden blond hair was whisking in the wind as I shifted "Lilly, It was nothing." She shook her head as Luke shifted and went to comfort his fiance.

Akiko was an exotic girl of Japanese heritage, She was very kind but often spoke in a different language when wanting to confuse people or when she's just that angry. Luke was one of the strongest in our pack and was happily engaged to my sister; Lilly. Lilly was a very shy, quiet girl and usually kept to herself. 

Akiko shifted and looked at us "Please, Whatever happened i'm sure Harley has a perfectly good reason to keep it from us. You know that what the Healers discuss with others is private unless it was chosen to be shared." I smiled at her as she knew the rules inside and out. 

Lilly rolled her eyes "Sisters should share." She hissed tome as she Shifted and ran off, with Luke not far from her.

I huffed and just sat on the ground.


"So he basically said you'd be with my brother?" Shane asked as he handed me a glass of water, I nodded "But your one of them, How come you didn't know?" He laughed and smiled "Harley, You've been Gifted longer than I but the Healer's training takes longer than the Warrior's." I nodded and shrugged, Shane was Gifted for about seven years now and was training to be a Healer ever since.  

"Can't wait to see that train wreck" He mused as Kendal walked in. "Harley, I want you to do me a favor." He spoke with a stress in his voice.

"Hm?" I asked as I stood and strode over to him.

"I need you to be my girlfriend." 


Author's Note:

So sorry for the wait but I was extremely busy, Any mistakes are from my 'Just-Wanting-To-Get-The-Chapter-Up' lazy-ness. Hope you enjoy. I'll be doing songs for the chapters soon and uh picture of Kendal on the side ^^


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