The Beginning.

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Detective Matthew Mease was sitting in his office building at the corner of Main and Portage one dark rainy afternoon while he was thinking of the surprise he had for his girlfriend tonight, with a slight smile on his face. He felt like it was long overdue, and knew they were ready for the next chapter in their lives. All he could focus on today was the words he was going to use to describe how he felt. As he was deep into thought he got a buzz from the secretary saying that Miss Mallory Everton was on the phone. He thought it strange because normally she would just come upstairs to his office and bring lunch with her. She would always come bouncing in with two brown paper bags of which he knew very well that it was sandwiches from her parents sandwich shop down the road called Gregg's. Matthew and Mallory both agreed that the name was a little too simple, but they knew it was one of the best memories from her Grandparents, Gregg and Ellie Everton. The fact that a two generation sandwich shop was able to survive in today's society was very special. And they hoped that someday Mallory would become the proud owner of it. He came out of his thoughts and answered the phone. "Hey Honey, what's going on?" No response on the other end of the line. "Mallory? Sweetie? Are you there?" Finally an answer came through although not the voice of Mallory. A very dark, rough sounding voice answered and said, "Your precious Mallory will not be meeting you for your date tonight, I'm afraid. Save yourself some trouble and leave it be. There is no way even a very respectable, smart detective like yourself will be able to find her. Have a good life Matthew." Matt couldn't believe what his ears just heard. My Mallory is being harmed and I have no way to contact her, Matthew thought. But just as he was about to go to the chief he remembered that just last week they had both decided to turn Location services on, on their phones in case they couldn't get ahold of each other and would still be able to know where the other was. Just as Matt was tapping around on his phone in a rush to find out where she was, he got a text from a blocked number saying 'You had to know I would block the location setting on Mallory's phone. Silly Matthew.' Silly Matthew rang in Matts head. He couldn't remember where he'd heard it before, but he knew something seemed off about it. He was lost. What should he do next? Should he go to the chief and tell him? Should he handle this by himself? He quickly decided to call the chief. As he picked up the office phone to connect to the chief he placed his elbow on the table and his hand on his face to find that he had been crying, unknowingly because of the sudden stress, but there was one thing he thought, 'I cannot lose the love of my life'

A/N: What do you think? Leave comments to give me tips and advice. I'll take all the criticism you give. This is my first book tho.  

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