I Can't Lose You.

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They frantically tried to open the other doors but then Matt had an idea. With no time to consider if it would work he quickly took off his button-down shirt and wrapped it around his face and started kicking the windows with both feet. The window finally shattered into pieces and with 10 seconds to spare they hurriedly climbed out of the window and started running as quickly as they could. It was everything they could do to get far enough away. 5...4...3...2...1...BOOM! The Brightness from the explosion lit up the night sky. The shock knocked them both to the ground. They had both blacked out and when Matt came to, he shook Mallory's arms trying to get her to wake up. "Mal, sweetheart please wake up. I need you sweetie. Please wake up. Come on! Wake up!" Matt didn't know what to do at this point, his phone was dead, his car had blown up and the road they were on was a very, very slow road. Just then he looked up to see a car heading towards them. Matt waved them down to ask for help. The people in the car rolled down their window as they stopped and asked if they needed help. Matt replied, "Yes, there has been an explosion and my girlfriend is unconscious. Can you please call 911." They quickly reached for their phones to call 911 and in a matter of minutes, the ambulance was there.

The EMT's quickly loaded Mallory onto the stretcher and put her in the ambulance. One of the EMT's told Matt that he wasn't able to ride along because of Mallory's condition. 'Great', Matt thought "Now what am I supposed to do? Walk?" The couple who had stopped to help him earlier offered him a ride to the hospital. Matt gladly accepted their kind offer. As they were on their way Matt finally gained his composure, When the kind lady handed out her phone to him as she asked "Is there anyone you need to call?" Matt took the phone from her hand, replied "thank you" and began calling Mallory's parents. "Hi Mrs. Everton? It's Matt. I want to let you know that I found Mallory but, when we went back to my car there was an accident. Mallory is in an ambulance going to the hospital. Some kind people offered me their phone to use and are giving me a ride to the there." Mrs. Everton's reply was a lot more calm than Matt had expected. "Ok, Matt. We are getting in the car heading there. Did they say Mallory was okay? And are you okay?" "Yes, they told me even though Mallory is in critical condition she should be fine. And yes, I'm fine, just a little shaky still. I'll see you there." Matt said. After Mrs. Everton's reply they said goodbye and hung up the phone. "Thank you for your kindness." Matt said to the couple in the front seat. "Oh you're absolutely welcome, My name is Whitney and this is my husband Stephen, and that's our little one Theodore." Matt hadn't even noticed the baby seat in the back, let alone the baby in it. "Nice to meet you both and Theodore. I can't tell you how much this means to me. Although, I'm sure there was somewhere you were headed." "Quite the opposite. We were just headed home from dinner and saw the explosion and decided to head this way in case someone needed help. And you did. But, I sure would like to know what happened." Replied Whitney. "Well, it's kind of a long story but maybe soon." is all Matt said. He was still in shock from the explosion and from the fact that he might lose his precious Mallory.

The baby kept him good company. He was a smiley little baby and he kept Matt calm the whole way to the hospital. As soon as they finally arrived, Matt jumped out of the car before Stephen had even stopped it. He ran right in and to the front desk asking for Mallory Everton. And the lady at the desk told him she was on the 3rd floor, however she couldn't tell him what room because she was still in critical condition and was not allowed visitors yet. So he went up to the 3rd floor to wait. He was kind of lost at this point because he had never been the one waiting for a patient. He had visited people in the hospital before but not actually had a close friend in the hospital. Shortly after, Mr. and Mrs. Everton came walking up. They just sat down and everyone was silent. Then about 5 minutes after the Everton's got there, in walks Stephen and Whitney with Theo. Matt was in total shock that they actually stayed. Let alone came up to wait. Whitney could see the confused look on Matt's face so she politely said "Well, we wanted to hear the story. Couldn't just leave without it." I'm sorry, I wasn't very polite back there." replied Matt. He proceeded to tell the whole story of how she had a kidnapper who they still couldn't figure out who it was. How they knew the name was Morgan but couldn't decide which Morgan it was. To how they escaped and didn't really escape because as soon as they turned the car on they heard a ticking sound and were trying to find a way out of the car and when they did they started running but it wasn't fast enough.

By this time, Matt had tears rolling down his cheeks. As he proceeded to wipe away the tears, Mrs. Everton grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. Trying her best to comfort him, she quietly whispered "The most important thing is, is that you are both safe. And you are!" Right as she finished saying that, a nurse came and told them that Mallory was in stable condition and was allowed visitors. They all, including Stephen, Whitney and Theo went into he hospital room. They got into her room and although she couldn't respond, Matt was talking to her soothingly. Telling her how happy he was that she was safe and sound. Just then the heart monitor spiked drastically. The called for doctors and were soon escorted out of the room. The doctors were rushing around quickly and and just when the group of visitors got into the waiting room, Mallory was being pushed down the hallway for emergency surgery. Matt yelled "MALLORY" but they continued to push her ahead. What was her surgery for? Would Mallory make it through surgery? Find out in the next chapter of Lovers Trial.

A/N. sorry for not updating in awhile guys! I've been busy and now I only have a two chapter queue. I guess that means i need to keep writing

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