The Tension.

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Matt was more than confused right now. His girlfriend called, thanking him for the new phone he actually hadn't gotten her. All he knew was that he could not live his life with out Mallory Everton by his side. It was around 3:00 p.m and he knew she was probably frightened. He called around asking if anyone had seen her and no one had. 

Mallory woke up in a dark, dank room to the horrible smell of...FISH! She knew exactly where she was by that wretched stench. She was at the seafood port. It was a butcher/restaurant that had closed for business a year ago after the heath department finding that they were not being very sanitary and up to health codes. She had only been there once, but the one time was plenty for anyone to remember it for the rest of their lives. She just had to figure out a way to get out. Just then she remembered that although she had used the new phone, she had just stuffed her old phone in her pocket. "Brilliant" mallory thought to herself. This old junky dumb phone could save her life. She quickly dialed Matts number right as two people came walking down the creaky stairway. She didn't shut the phone because she knew that if Matt picked up he would be able to hear whatever they had to say, so she silently put it in her hoodie pocket. It wasn't an easy task being tied up but she tried as hard as she could to not be found out. She heard two people talking, one sounding like a female and the other a male. She was so confused. "Mallory Everton we meet again. When will you confess your love to me." the male voice said. The female voice quickly chiming in to say "And let me have Matthew. You know he still has feelings for me." "Oh please! You know Matt will never leave me especially now that we're engaged! He is my Man!" Right then the taller kidnapper kicked her in the shin. Oh how she hated that. When she was little her shin seemed to always stick out and get nasty bruises on them, and now she really just wanted to hurt whoever did that to her. It was so dark in the basement and the kidnappers were both wearing black that she couldn't tell who was who! "What are your names?" said Mallory hoping they were dumb enough to tell her. In unison they both said "Morgan" with a snakeish sound. Mallory thought 'Morgan Knight and Morgan Peters!' How? Why? "They would be just the perfect couple" thought Mallory. Two lives. Two grudges. WOW! It all made sense to Mallory now! She just hoped that Matt had received her call and was recording everything they were saying. "I know what you are thinking Mallory so we might as well tell you. Do you remember what you did to me in middle school? I had had a crush on you for months and when I finally got up the courage to tell you, your beautiful Matthew had to step in and save you. It makes me sick to my stomach." said Morgan Knight. "Yeah and than you had to come along and steal Matthew from me right as we were starting to get to know each other better. You witch!" chimed Morgan Peters. "So childhood and college grudges have made you want to make our lives miserable? You sick people!" replied Mallory. "NO! We just want to have both of you to ourselves without the other getting in the way! Don't you understand? I have loved you all these years Mallory and I will never stop loving you!" screamed Morgan Knight. "So what we're gonna do is trap Matthew and then take you and him to very different locations and make you marry me and Matthew marry Morgan! Our plan has just been working splendidly. You people are too stupid to beat us!" Mallory quickly replied, "Okay first of all, people who really know him call him Matt not Matthew so Morgan Peters i guess you really don't LOVE him. Second, if you think we're stupid why would you bother with us? You are the stupid ones! Oh and this old seafood port restaurant will not stop me from getting back to Matt!". 

Only twenty minutes had passed but it seemed like an eternity to Mallory. She had only brought us the seafood port because she knew if Matt was listening he would know exactly where she was. By this point she had the dynamic duo all riled up. They were furious! 

Matt was finally arrived to the seafood port and quickly but silently ran inside. This time he took backup. They had the whole place surrounded and a couple of them were going inside. At this point Matt was thankful for his rather small frame as he leveled himself on the stairway railing so as not to creak on the staircase. He slowly shimmied himself down, then quietly creeping up behind the Morgans and right as he gave the signal ten other police came rushing down the stairway, scarring the Morgans and holding them at gunpoint. When he knew the other men had it under control he ran over to Mallory to untie her and give her the biggest hug he ever had. He quietly assured her that he had gotten their confessions and the would soon be behind bars to no longer break them apart. They stood silently hugging for more then 5 minutes and crying silent tears of thankfulness. Matt soon said they should leave and go home to get some rest. He dropped her off at her parents house and went home to his own. All they needed now was a good night of sleep.

Soooo? How'd you like it? I'm going to try to catch up a bit on publishing new chapters. I was super super busy and life is just now starting to slow down! Thanks for reading! Don't forget to drop a like and a comment! 

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