Romantic Evening.

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Three weeks later:

Life had finally started to slow down for Matt and Mallory after having The Morgans put behind bars. The judge found them guilty of multiple kidnappings and harassment. Much more of which they had done to other people that Matt and Mal didn't even know about. They could finally rest knowing they were safe. 

They were sitting in his office at work together eating their food in silence. Matt thinking about the next time he would be able to surprise Mallory and Mallory thinking about how lucky she was to have such a strong caring man like Matt. Matt broke the silence with "Hey hun, you want to watch a movie and get some dinner tonight?" Matt smirking said "Wow my fiancé is always thinking about food! Sure honey i'd love to! Besides we need to sit down and start nailing wedding details down. We have like nothing." They small talked awhile about wedding details that weren't really even important. "Hey where do you want to go for our honeymoon babe?" Matt asked with a huge grin on his face. Mallory replied saying "Somewhere HOT! I can't stand being cold!" Matt's smile had grown even bigger when he realized the joke he could make from this. "Oh babe, no matter where we go it'll be HOT because I'll be with you!" Mallory playfully slapped his forearm. She then stood up and hugged him goodbye telling him that she needed to get back to work. 

Later that night: 

Matt texted Mallory and told her to come over to his house and he would drive. He had something special planned for them tonight without her having the slightest idea what. She agreed and quickly arrived after a few minutes. She just walked right in to Matt's house knowing that he would probably be getting close to leaving. She opened the door to be surprised with the house darkened and only candles glowing. She called out for Matt and he soon came in with a suit and tie on. She was absolutely shocked to see him dressed so nicely and went straight over to him and gave him a hug as well as a kiss on the cheek. He said " I thought after all of the stress we should just relax tonight and not worry about going anywhere. Mallory, will you be my date?" He said very kindly. "Matt you are just to good for me! I love you!" Mallory replied while sitting down after being escorted to her seat. They laughed and talked and ate for awhile after matt said he was going to go change so he could clean up all of the dishes later. He soon came out wearing just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He told her they could watch a movie before she left and he would take care of the dishes later. They went into the living room and plopped down on the couch. He asked if she had any preferences on what to watch. She immediately said "I've really wanted to watch The Flash but it's only on  Netflix." He smirked as he said "well I may or may not have just gotten Netflix recently." They soon found the flash and started watching. About two episodes in, he said that they should get some desert. Little did she know that he had already made up the cutest little Raspberry Chocolate Trifles. She just couldn't get over how thoughtful he was. After finishing their desert they went back to watch more flash. Matt soon made the first move as he slipped his arm over Mallory's shoulder. She looked up at him and smiled while proceeding to lay her head on his shoulder. "I love you Matt." whispered Mallory. "Love you to babe. I'm thankful for you!" Soon they both fell asleep right on the couch. 

Mallory woke up about 2:00 a.m and soon woke Matt up saying that she really needed to go home and sleep. She was going to ask all of her girls tomorrow to be in the wedding and had a really busy day tomorrow. He offered to drive her home so they would both stay awake. He dropped her off and asked if she would FaceTime him while he was headed back home so he wouldn't fall asleep. They chatted for awhile, until he made it safely home. They hung up and went to bed. 

A/N Okay here is a chapter to get you back out of the intense mode! Enjoy! 

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