Time passed by.

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3 Months later. 

Matt was always by Mallory's side. He almost never left her room except for personal things. His heart was broken. She had been in a coma for three months and his days were very long. He had taken time off of work doing what he loved, to spend time with the one he loved. He was laying his head on the edge of her bed when he suddenly felt movement. It was indeed Mallory. 


My head was throbbing and I couldn't see clearly. Everything was going in swirls around the room. I felt something touch my hand. I couldn't exactly figure out what it was. I look to the side of my bed and I see someone I don't recognize. I slowly start to panic, not only not knowing where I was, or why everything was blurry, but why was there a strange man looking deeply into my eyes. I was scared. What happened. Why did it happen? I was so confused. "Excuse me" I said , "Who are you, and what are you doing here and where am I?" He seemed a little overwhelmed with the questions. Also, a little sad. The look in his dark brown eyes made me feel weird inside, but I didn't know why. I have never seen him before in my life. I needed answers as soon as possible. 


Why would she ask those questions? Did she seriously not know who I was? Why did this happen to my Mallory? We already knew that she had been in a coma because of a brain injury and surgery didn't help much. The doctors had warned me that she might have slight memory loss, but forgetting me? That's like years of her life? Ever since she was 14. How could this happen? 3 Months of no conversation and now she can't remember me. I decided to stay as calm as possible. "Mallory, My name is Matt. We met when you were 14 and I was 19 in high school. You were being bullied by Morgan Knight and well, I kinda stepped in to rescue you. Do you remember that? Also, We've been dating for about a year and a half. I asked you on our first date the night you graduated from high school. Does any of this sound familiar to you?" "Well, I remember being bullied and a handsome boy came to my aid. He had big brown eyes, kinda like you and his hair was, mmm, Beautiful." She replied. That kinda made me blush a little to know that's what she thought way back then. "And do you remember our discussion about two schools in one?" "Yes, I do. You know. I think it was you that saved me. It's good to see you again. I may not have thanked you enough then so thank you." "You're absolutely welcome. After our first date you agreed to become my girlfriend. Do you remember that?" Mallory quickly answered. "Hold on cowboy, You're going a little far calling us boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't think it ever amounted to that exactly." I wasn't going to push it right now, so all I said was, "well you should try to think about your past and see what you can remember." I said as I went to walk out of the room. 


After he said that...the look in his eyes was so sad. Wy was my heart beating so quickly? Was it true what he said about us being together? Was he really the boy that saved me? He looked awfully familiar. Every time I stared into his eyes, I could feel my heart beat faster and I could feel myself blushing. Why? I've only ever felt this before when I was with one certain man. I didn't know who that man was tho! Why couldn't I remember anything? Why had all my memories disappeared? Right then two older people came walking into the room. I know I had seen them before and they looked like very nice people. "Mallory, sweetheart. Matt just told us that you didn't remember that you guys have dated for awhile now? Is that true?" "WOAH, Who are you and yes, I have never dated him before! Why is everyone acting weird?" "It's okay honey, You were in a accident 3 months ago and you lost part of your memory. The doctors asked us to help you try to remember some important things from your past. We're you parents. Kris and Tina Everton?" I was confused. Why was I in a accident? How could I not recognize my parents? Breaking up my thought was someone who came in the room. "Hello folks. My name is Jenny and I'm going to be Mallory's nurse for the next couple of days. I'm usually in the maternity ward but your other nurse is out of town for the weekend and apparently I was the only one who could fill in. Don't ask me why!" The nurse seemed nice and had a bubbly personality. She began changing my bandages and so I asked her, "What was the name of the doctor who did my surgery?" "That would be Dr. Gray. He's got the thing for impersonations. Anyone he has heard, he could impersonate. He's one of the youngest doctors in the entire hospital." "Uh huh. Do you uh, ya know, have a thing for him?" I asked. "Well yeah. He's kinda my husband. But were not supposed to bring our personal lives into work. So that's why I didn't mention that." Oh I'm sorry." Said Mallory "That's alright. Any time you have a question you just go right ahead and ask. Now go ahead and get some rest. You're still very weak from just coming out of a coma. I'll leave you to yourself now." 

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