The Engagement.

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Quick A/N I looked it up and Fremont Island is a real island in the Great Salt Lake however the way I am describing it is not correct, no trees, no bridge, no bathhouse. But for the story line I had to make it somewhat romantic so please forgive me. None of you would've probably looked that up, but I just want you to know Fremont Island isn't as good as it sounds. 

When they pulled up and finished parking, they went and found a bathhouse to change from their fancy clothes to their still nice, but not so formal clothes. Matt was wearing a nice pair of jeans, with a blue and green checkered shirt and Mallory was wearing a red plaid shirt with a cozy knit tan sweater layered on top, and a pair of black pants. After they finished changing they headed out towards the bridge which was how they got to the island. It wasn't far from the island to the mainland and there was a beautiful spot which Matt had before picked out. It was about a half mile walk across the bridge and Matt could tell the sun was getting close to going down. So even though Mallory was having lots of fun Matt tried to nonchalantly move her ahead quicker. Once they got across the bridge there was a small patch of woods to walk through and then on the other side was the water. Matt thought it was kind of small, but after all, it was private. Not many people knew about it and the only way Matt found it was looking on Google Maps to find an area. They reached the back side of the woods, gently talking to each other. Liberty was on one side of the path and Jada, Claudia and the family members were on the other side. Being fall time they were all able to hide without being seen. Liberty and Claudia had already been snapping pictures of them as they were so romantically walking down the path with vibrant orange, yellow and red colors of the trees. Matt knew Mallory's favorite season was fall. And just so happens they were both perfectly dressed to complement the occasion. As they got on the edge of the woods there was a small boardwalk out the rest of the way to the water. It had a very different atmosphere from a quite walk through trees to the sound of the wave making the water move. Matt had a plaid blanket hanging on his arm because he wanted to be able to sit by the water and talk and also, Liberty had told him that it would really help make adorable engagement pictures even though they were already the cutest couple. They continued to walk slowly down the boardwalk not talking much. When they got off of the boardwalk and into the sand they both ditched their shoes. Mallory also loved the beach. So when Matt found this place he just about freaked out. In a good way though. He spread the blanket out on the sand and helped Mallory sit. He proceeded to sit down and was basically just waiting for the sun to set just enough to give it a perfect lighting. 

Finally Liberty gave Matt the 'okay' sign to let him know the lightning was perfect and he could do it anytime soon. "Well, let's get ready to go." Matt said as calmly as possible. He helped Mallory up and right as she was fixing her sweater, he got down on one knee. Mallory had a look of shock and just slightly smiled. He opened the little velvet box to reveal a beautiful cushion cut diamond ring as he said "Mallory Ruthann Everton... You have bettered me, and made me stronger as a person. I am where I am today because of you. I love you, Mal. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?" Mallory placed her hands over her mouth as tears fell down her cheeks. She put one hand down from her face as she said, "Yes, a thousand times, yes. I love you, Matt." He proceeded to place the gorgeous ring on her finger and then stood up and wrapped her in a big warm hug and placed a kiss on her neck. "I love you, Mallory" Matt said. "I love you too, sweet." Right about that time, all of the family members came out of hiding. Liberty and Claudia were already in plain sight getting pictures but Mallory hadn't even noticed they were there as she was so caught up in the moment. The family all shared hugs and Mr. and Mrs. Everton made an announcement that they will be having a engagement party but for tonight they were going to go get ice cream. Jada suggested that maybe they should all get pictures. So Claudia help organize so that Liberty could get quick pictures. Liberty and Claudia also took a few pictures for Matt and Mal's engagement but they were planning on scheduling an actual photoshoot. That took about half an hour when Mr. Everton suggested they go before it got too dark to see. The family had all gone up far ahead with Jada and Claudia to plant a surprise for both Matt and Mallory. Liberty stayed behind Matt and Mal to get extra pictures. The family was no where to be seen so Matt just figured they all went to their cars. Matt and Mal were about halfway through the forest when a bunch of fairy lights came on. It made the moment absolutely beautiful. Mallory looked at Matt and said, "Babe wow. You went way out of your way to make this night absolutely perfect." "Well, it was very nice and all but I didn't put these lights up." was Matt's reply. They assumed it was the family so they asked Liberty if that would be a good spot to get some extra pictures. Claudia had been hiding to get the pictures of the look on their faces and just to get extra pictures of what her and Liberty had already discussed 

They had a quick little photoshoot with the lights in bokeh an they did some with the plaid blanket. When they decided that was enough for now, the three started heading back. Then Liberty remembered she had told Claudia to hide so Liberty signaled to Claud to come out and walk with them. Matt turned around and said "Hey Claudia, where'd you come from?" Claudia shyly replied with a grin, "Well I may or may not have been hiding and taking pictures of you guys." Matt and Mal just chuckled and continued walking. The girls kept their distance and were constantly getting pictures. They didn't exactly want to hear what the couple was talking about but they knew they needed to be close enough to get good pictures. 

When they finally made it back to the car, Liberty, Claudia and Jada hopped into Liberty's car to head to Culver's. Mr. Everton said he would pay, even for the helpers. They followed the train of cars about 5 miles to Culver's. Matt and Mallory took their car and got there after everyone else. The family and the three girls were already seated when they saw Matt and Mal pull up. Matt had his left hand around Mallory's waist and the other was holding her left hand. "They are such an adorable couple" exclaimed Claudia. "Yes they are!" said Jada. Matt and Mal came walking in smiling from ear to ear. The whole party clapped and cheered. Matt thought to himself, 'It's been a great night.' 

What will the future bring for the happy couple? Find out in the next chapter of Lovers Trial.

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