The Visitors.

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Mallory woke up the next morning to someone tapping her shoulder and calling her name. It was her cousin Catey. She was there with her husband Jeremy and her boys Felix and Linus. Mallory faintly smiled as she just knew that it was the day people were finally able to visit her. She asked Catey what day it was and when she told her she thought it was weird that Matt never showed up yesterday. He was supposed to be with her the whole afternoon and as far as she knew, he never came. She tried having a good time with her family but couldn't get Matthew off of her mind. She just thought maybe he had forgotten or maybe he got stuck at work longer. She enjoyed his company even though she thought it was a bit weird that a high school friend would want to keep coming back to see her. 

Her next visitor was a couple of girls from her church, Erin and Lacy. These sisters were the oldest girls in the youth group and they made sure that anyone who was sick or in any kind of trouble felt comforted and loved and they would take flowers to the weary. They enjoyed helping people and as the oldest two in the youth group they wanted to be good examples. And also because their parents Natalie and Alex were the youth group leaders. So they had to be mature and kind. The girls were kind to Mallory. She liked them. They were so kind to each other and were kind to people in general. Probably because their parents were the same way. Alex and Natalie always tried to find a way to serve others. It made Mallory smile as she thought of this. Right then Nurse Jenny came in with a frantic look on her face. "Mallory, I have bad news for you. Matt has been stabbed. He has just come out of surgery and is in the ICU. We don't know how his at this point." Mallory replied, "I'm so sorry to hear that. Who stabbed him and where?" At this point, Mallory felt a tear run down her cheek. She felt weird inside and didn't know why. She felt so bad for Matt but she herself still didn't know the real reason she had been in the hospital. She thought to herself 'Do...I...feel something...for...Matt? Is that why i'm crying and why my heart is beating so fast?' Jenny broke Mallory's thoughts by saying, "I'm not supposed to give details right now. We don't know who did it or why but the police are investigating. I'll let you know when I have the freedom to do so." 

6:24 p.m

Mallory had just woken up from a nap and was feeling kind of hungry. She called for Jenny and she was glad to hear that Mallory was hungry. "That means your appetite is coming back and your body is starting to heal." said Jenny. She went to grab her some hospital food which Mallory thought was awful. None of it had salt in it and altogether it was bad. But, she knew her body just needed to heal before she would be released from the hospital. She was then visited by another family from the church. She knew this would probably be her last visitor for tonight. She was weirdly worried about Matt. It was weird. Her visitors were the pastor and his family. They have 3 girls and 1 boy. The boy was older so he was still at work at this point but the other four came along. The Pastors name was Brad and his wife's name was Kay. Their kids names from oldest to youngest were Maggie, Aurora, and Olivia. And Nathan was at work.  Being the pastors kids they were friends with almost everyone at the church but, Maggie and Aurora were Erin's best friends and Olivia was best friends with Lacy. They all hung out a lot during the summer and the girls loved having sleep overs. The pastors family stayed for about a half an hour, then he and his wife were given a pass to visit Matt in the ICU. The girls had to stay out in the waiting room. When Pastor Brad and Kay walked in Matt was awake. The prayed with him and were just trying to encourage him. The somehow slipped into the conversation of the person who stabbed him and Matt just said that he felt like he had seen the person before, but not knowing where. They chatted for a while longer when one of the nurses came in and told them they had to leave now. 

Back in Mallory's room. 

"Jenny, can I ask you a question?" Well of course you can." replied the kind nurse. "Who is Matt? Like we were high school friends but why does he keep coming here everyday?" came Mallory's quick question. "Well I have been told that you and Matt had been dating for about a year. And someone had kidnapped you and Matt was coming to rescue you and as you were leaving the locks engaged on the door of the car you were in and you could both hear ticking. You made it out but had to be rushed to the hospital for immediate surgery." Jenny said . Mallory looked like she was in a deep thinking state so she didn't say anything for the longest time. "You know, I think it's starting to come back. Is Matt a detective?" asked Mallory. "That's what i've heard at least" replied Jenny. "You're right. I remember now. Matt and I are dating." she said with a  pause before saying any more. "When will I be released?" Jenny quickly replied, "well not until you have recovered enough and until we are sure your memory is fully back." Mallory thought this might be awhile but half an hour later Doctor Gray came into the room and told Mallory some great news! "Well Miss Everton. It looks like you can head home tomorrow. We'll contact your parents to take you home!" Mallory was so excited. Even though she had lived all of it in a coma, she really hated this bed. The first thing she thought about was going to visit Matt...

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Mallory was released the next morning. She was super excited. Shen couldn't hardly believe that she had been in there for 3+ months but in a way it felt like eternity. As her parents were helping her get her personal things together, she paused for a moment to think about Matt. She felt so bad. She knew he was coming to see her and that had to happen just before he got there.

"Hey Mom and Dad. Would we be able to find out where Matt is and go visit him?" asked Mallory. "Sure we can. He's in the ICU so there are limited visitors I'm sure, but yeah, we can ask." replied Mrs. Everton. They finished packing her few things that were given to her or were things that were brought from her house. They headed down to the lobby to ask the receptionist where Matt was. She told them the room number and told them that they had 10 minutes max time. They headed back up the stairs. Mallory suddenly had a fear of elevators after Jenny told her what had happened. When they got to his room they slowly opened the door and peaked inside. The room was dark. They continued in and found that Matt wasn't in the bed. "No, No, no, this can't be happening! Where's Matt?!" mallory screamed. Who would be doing this? 

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Dedicated to you FAM! Don't worry those of you fam members who aren't in it. You'll get your debut! <3

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