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Mallory woke up around 9:00 the next morning. They had all hung around until midnight and then they had the drive back home. They hadn't gotten to bed until about 1:30 in the morning. Once she was up she texted Matt...

Mallory: Hey sweetheart. When you get off of work tonight, would we be able to go get me ring resized? I'm having to wear it on my thumb it's so big. Let me know and we can meet somewhere or you could pick me up. I didn't go into work today because I was so tired. Love you. <3

Matt: Hey Babe. Yeah we can totally go get your ring fixed. I can pick you up around 5:30 if that's good for you? Love you too. 

Mallory: Ok sounds good. See you at lunch. 

Mallory and Matt worked all morning. Mallory at her parents restaurant. Matt at the office. Everything was going smoothly. Morning shift had come and gone, Lunch had come and gone. But the afternoon shift for both of them just seemed to drag on. The texted each other every now and then but the afternoon just wouldn't hurry up. Finally, 5:00. Matt's shift was over and so he clocked out and headed straight over to Gregg's. He waited for Mallory for about 5 minutes then decided just to go in and get her. "Hello, Matt." said Mrs. Everton. "Hey, is Mallory here?" asked Matt. "I think she's in the back. She was just finishing up a couple of orders. I'll go get her." she replied. Soon Mallory popped her head out from behind the wall. "Miss me?" she asked in a playful voice. "I miss you every single moment I'm not with you." Matt replied with a grin. They headed out to the car and went to the jewelers. They walked up to the counter and mallory said, "I just need to get this resized." The lady put different sized metal rings to find her perfect fit. She finally hit the right one and the lady said they could have it ready in about and hour. Matt said that they would just go to a coffee shop and talk for awhile. They went to a small quite coffee shop. Mallory spilled all of her few ideas she had for the wedding. "Woah, hold on! We should pick a date first don't you think?" Matt said. "Yeah I suppose you're right. I've just been looking forward to getting married my entire life and now I can't even wait!" Mallory said like a little kid. "Ok you go ahead and then we'll decide a date." Matt replied. 

Mallory: I think I'd like Navy blue and Coral for the colors. What do you think?

Matt: I like the Navy idea and coral is very pretty.

Mallory: Ok, so that's settled. Outside or inside wedding?

Matt: Well, outside weddings are pretty, but if it rains no one is going to want to be there. 

Mallory: Yeah that's true. How about inside church wedding and outside reception. But also, have the inside decorated a little in case of rain. 

Matt: That's sounds like a good idea. I'm guessing we'll have the wedding at our church right?

Mallory: Yeah, and I know Mrs. Lomax will be an incredible help.

Matt: Ok, so bridesmaids and groomsmen. How many should we have? 

Mallory: Well, my closest sister will be my maid of honor. Although she is very preggo at the moment. But by then the baby will be a couple of months old. Also, I want to have your sister in it. Who are you going to have for your best man?

Matt: Well, I think your brother Zach will be my best man since I don't have any brothers. And I'll have your other brothers too. Also, I've gotten really close with James. I think i'll have him too.

Mallory: Ok so I need two more to make it even. I think Natalie. She's like a sister to me. You know, maybe I should have Whitney. We got really close and she was a huge encouragement to me while you were in the hospital. 

Matt: Ok that sounds good. Anything else? 

Mallory: Well, photographer. I think we should have Liberty and Claudia. And Jada did such a fantastic job coordinating our engagement that maybe we should have her coordinate the wedding. She has a real gift for that. I was also thinking about the music. I think Maggie, Erin, Lacy and Olivia could do a string quartet. Since Maggie plays the Cello, and Erin plays the Viola and Lacy and Olivia both play violins. It could be really beautiful sounding. And I thought maybe Alex and Natalie could sing a duet song or something. 

Matt: Yeah all of that sounds great! Would you like to ask everyone to do those things?

Mallory: Yeah I'll take care of that. We should probably go and get my ring back. 

They headed out to the car and eventually got to the jewelers to pick up her ring. It fit her perfectly. Mallory told Matt that she would ask everyone to play or sing in their wedding tomorrow. After Matt dropped Mallory off at home he realized they never picked a date. "Oh well, we can do that another time" Matt thought to himself. He decided that he would just head to bed as he had had a long day and tomorrow would be just as busy. 

A/N Sorry for the weird chapter guys. I couldn't think of something good to put in it. And I also know that some of you don't play those instruments, but just go with the flow. 

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