The Healing Process.

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Mallory was healing from her surgeries. Matt had gone back to work although a very slow time. He went to the hospital to visit Mallory almost every day if he could. Everyday she would remember another day of her past. She finally got to the point where she knew Matt, but still didn't know for sure that she had been dating him for a year. This made him sad, but he just continued to pray for her as did everyone they knew. 

One day right before Matt headed to the hospital he had gone home for a quick change of clothes and in his drawer he noticed something. A little velvet box. He remembered exactly what it was but now he didn't know if he would ever get to put it on her finger. He started to tear up then decided wouldn't give up. He loved her too much and had for too long to give up over a little memory loss. He quickly changed his clothes and headed to his car. He went to turn the key and 'Click, click,, click, click...' Mallory's car was dead. He had been driving hers around because she was currently not able to and he needed something to drive as his was gone. Completely gone. He didn't have a battery starter so he just picked up his phone to call his roommates Stacey, and Adam. He knew on a Saturday like today, they would probably be out bowling or some other indoor sport. It was quite the gloomy day and that's just what they liked to do. "Hey Adam, Mal's car is dead and I have no way to get to the hospital. Would you guys be able to come by the  house and pick me up?" "Hey, sorry Matt we went to Salt Lake City for the day to get the car that Stacey is going to buy. I thought we mentioned that to you last night". Replied Adam. "Oh shoot, yeah I think you did mention that to me but I guess I forgot about it. Um ok I'll just call an Uber to take me. Thanks Adam". And with that he hung up the phone. He then immediately downloaded the Uber app to get a ride. 

About 10 minutes later a car pulled up and Matt knew it was Uber. "here we go" he said to himself. When Matt opened the door the driver greeted him and introduced himself as James. Matt thought he looked like a nice guy and was glad that his first Uber person was decent. Matt and James were talking a bit and Matt went on the whole story of how Mallory ended up in the hospital. He could tell James felt bad for him and James didn't even know what to say. The rest of the car ride was silent. 

As James pulled up to the hospital, Matt quickly jumped out excited to see Mallory. He felt like today was going to be a good day seeing her. He waved to the receptionist and headed to the elevator. It stopped on the second floor and someone got in with him. This person looked familiar, but Matt couldn't think of the name for the face. As the person got on the elevator Matt saw it smirk. 'Wow creepy' Matt thought. It was bugging him that he couldn't remember who it was. Just then Matt realized the elevator wasn't moving and as he looked over to the person came the words "It's time to put you out of your misery, Matt" as it thrust a knife through Matt's side. It quickly opened the elevator door and before it left it pushed every button on the elevator so as to not get Matt fast care. The problem with this was, there were 14 levels in the hotel. Many of which no one would be coming to or from. Matt need help. And fast. He could barely breath let alone call for help. 

Will Matt get the help he needs? Will Mallory be okay? Find out in the next chapter of Lovers Trial. 

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