Never Fear.

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"What is happening?" asked Mallory as she was being yanked around. "Shut up" the voice said. "If he finds us, that'll prove how good of a detective he is and then he'll be mine." That confused Mallory slightly because what does Morgan Knight want with Matthew? She calmly obeyed the voice and continued walking. She was blindfolded so all she could use were her ears and nose. They started walking down what sounded to Mallory like a wooden walkway. Could they be at the lake and this be a dock? If it was a dock, was there water below? If there is water below what is his evil plan? All of these thoughts went rushing through Mallory's head. She was silently praying she wouldn't have to die my being drown. She already had a fear of water. Ever since she was little she just had the fear that if she was in too much water and didn't know how to win and no one was there to save her that she might drown. She was scared at this point. Scared that Matt might not find her letter. Scared that Morgan Knight would hurt Matt. Scared that she might die from water! Scared that she might never see the love of her life ever again. She began silently crying as she realized what his could mean. Her Matt. The one that had saved her when they were kids. The one who always came to the rescue when her car would break down. The one who would randomly text her sweet text about how much he loves her or how proud of her he is. She loved his dark brown hair and his big brown eyes. She just tried to imagine his face. The last lunch they had together. Their last hug. Would that forever be their LAST? She couldn't bear the thought of dying at 26. It was too much for her to bear. She was an only child and she realized her parents would be devastated. The family business wouldn't stay in the family. It was all she could do to hold back tears at this point. They continued walking down the wood walkway as she heard a door creak and then was shoved inside. It smelled like fish and seaweed. She knew she had to be in a boathouse. But where? How would Matt know? She was set down in a chair with her hands tied behind her back. In her mind, she'd be there a long time. Long enough to think over life. Minutes had passed. Nothing. Hours had then passed. Nothing. Until she could hear something very familiar. Footsteps on the dock. Who's footsteps were they? Did Matt find the place? Or was it just her kidnapper watching out in fear that someone was coming? Find out in the next chapter of Lovers Trial.

A/N: Super shot chapter but i was kinda stuck. I needed to get back to matt but didn't know how to transition. Give it a vote and comment if you like it! <3

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