Matthew is here.

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Matt remembered exactly where Morgans parents boathouse was. So he parked about a mile from it so he could walk up on it. It was deeply wooded up to the boathouse but right at the edge of the woods was and open yard with beautiful green grass. Now he just had to watch out for the kidnapper. He could see someone in black with a black mask on pacing back and forth. Now is when all of his training would come in handy. He figured there was a back door so he snuck around the edge of the woods to get as close as he could. When the kidnappers back was turned he quickly handover to the back wall and found that there was indeed a door. Hoping to open it without it creaking he started opening very slowly. He continued opening just until he could quietly squeeze through. The next problem was that there were surprisingly clear windows on the shed and at any given moment Morgan could look in and catch them both. So he decided to crawl behind the boat and then quickly untie Mallory. He could see that mallory was moving her head around trying to figure out what was going on so he quickly whispered "Mallory, sweetie, it's me, Matt. Everything is going to be fine just as long as you keep doing the same thing you've been doing." He went behind her back and untied the ropes and then ever so slightly he untied the ropes around her feet. He said "Don't move. Just stay in this position even tho you are untied." She then quickly but silently replied "Why didn't you just shoot him?" "Well, any good kidnapper would have a bullet proof vest on and so that wouldn't do me much good. Also, that would just alarm her and make her come after us." Mallory got a slight grin on her face as she realized how truly blessed she was to have such a wonderful boyfriend. "I'm going to open the boat door and then I'm going to put you in the boat. These retarded people didn't think to take the key out. Then again maybe she doesn't have a vest on. If they're that stupid." Mallory continued to smile and had a thought pop into her head which she relayed to Matt. " keep calling the kidnapper a 'she'. Why's that?" Matt had never told Mallory about Morgan Peters because he figured it would create conflict even though they weren't really dating. Just something he didn't really want to bring up, until now. He knew he had to tell her. "Babe, When I was in school those two years there was this girl who like to think we were dating even though we were not. She hung around me and went to every class with me. I didn't know who it could be until I found your note. And when you said Morgan that is who i thought of. Morgan Parker is her name." Mallory quietly replied "Are you sure? The voice was pretty deep and scratchy. I thought of Morgan Knight. Remember him?" Matt was trying to get their plan together and responded as he worked "Oh yes, I do remember him, but why would he come back after all these years just to tease you?" "Yes, but why would an old crush come back just to make you miserable?" Neither of them knew they answers, but what they did know was that they were close to freedom. They were silent for a long time until Matt finally had the courage to take her mask off and help her into the boat. Then he started then engine and knew he needed to hurry in order to make it out. Just then Morgan came running around the corner. Matt saw that she pulled a gun out and was aiming to shoot. He grabbed Mallory's head and made he duck. Thankfully, Morgan was a horrible shot so they still had a chance to get away. They made it about two miles before they knew they were out of fuel. They decided to go up on shore and head back to Matt's car as quickly as possible. When they finally saw the car they started running to get there. They knew they were going to head straight to the Police. Since Mallory didn't have her phone and Matt's had died they could just call the police. They were both safe in the car now, or so they thought. As soon as they both shut the doors the lock quickly engaged and Matt shook his head at Mallory knowing that she was questioning if he did it. Why would the car door lock automatically? As they were trying to get them unlocked it seemed as though it was indeed a trap. The locks wouldn't budge and the doors would not open. Matt decided that if they could just get to the police station they would be fine. The only problem was that as soon as he started the car, they heard a slight beeping sound. Matt quickly shut off the car, but the beeping didn't stop. They look to the backseat where the sound is coming from to find that they are in a car with 3 TNT strapped in. The timer read 29 seconds until the car and everything around it would go Ka-boom!

Will Matt and Mallory make it out in 29 seconds? Find out in the next chapter of Lovers Trial!

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