Highschool Bully.

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Mallory awakened to a strange banging noise. All she could tell right now was that she was in a dark room with a spotlight over her which blocked out all of her vision of anything in the room. It was strangely humid, so she couldn't tell if it was a basement or not. She couldn't believe this was happening. Her and Matt were going to go on a date tonight and she had no idea where she was or if her parent's and Matthew were already looking for her or not. She didn't even know what time it was. "Hello, dear", came the voice through the shadows. The person had a black mask on and Mallory could tell there was something over its mouth. A voice changer maybe? Mallory couldn't think of anything besides Matt and her parents. She was worried. One thing that made her rest a little was knowing that the love of her life was a detective and would soon find her. She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the voice say "Matthew deserves someone better. And so do you." "Who are you? And why are you doing this to me? Where's Matt?" were Mallory's responses. "Well I'll answer you one question for every riddle you can answer me." Mallory's only thought with this was, 'Thankfully, I grew up with a dad and Grandpa who love riddles and taught me everything they know.' "Ok you have a deal. But go easy on me." "Not a chance." came the evil sounding voice. "Here's the first one, I am taken from a mine, shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost everyone. What am I?" The voice sounded creepy as ever. Every time the person talked, it would send goose bumps all over Mallory's body. This was also one of her very favorite riddles, but in order to make it not obvious that she is good at riddles, she simply sat there and squeezed her eyes together trying to look like she was deep in thought. Moving her mouth as if she was trying to remember the words she almost couldn't keep back her smile. Which she then thought was weird because how would she ever be able to smile in the presence of a psycho. "Got it" she replied. "It's pencil lead, obviously." "Well, you're very smart. So what will be your first question?" Mallory had one all ready to deliver to her kidnapper as she blurted out, "Who are you?" "Well, that's against my rules, but I will tell you because that was the deal. My name is Morgan." "I see" replied Mallory. She could only think of one Morgan that she knew and it was childhood enemy. MORGAN KNIGHT. He was always pulling her hair, and making fun of the fact that she needed glasses to see clearly. All Mallory knew at this point was that a childhood nightmare could be back to haunt her perfect life. She just assumed that the reason he teased he was because he wanted her to be miserable. And when he somehow found out that she had an amazing boyfriend, didn't like it so he wanted to continue to ruin her life. But why her? Why did he always pick on her out of all of the kids in Mission Creek. Yes, it was smaller than your average town, but not so small that you could easily single out one child. They went through all of school together. The first year she had a little freedom was the year Matt moved to Mission Creek. She could easily remember the first day they met. Morgan had trapped her in the middle of the playground roundabout. She had always hated those things because they always made her sick. As Morgan was cruelly spinning her around and right before she was about to throw up, she could see a person walk up to Morgan, push him out of the way and begin to slow down the roundabout. There he was. Matthew Mease. Although they hadn't yet introduced themselves. She shyly said "Hi my name is Mallory." "Matt" is all he replied. He then proceeded to ask if she needed help and what her next class was. He also added something that she always heard the new kids say. "Why is there a roundabout at a high school?" She smirked and replied, "Because that building is an elementary school and that's the high school. A smaller town like this has to combine stuff I guess." He nodded as she began speaking again. She answered his previous comment by saying "My next class is english but I'm afraid we are not in the same grade." He knew they weren't because as much as his family had moved around, he had gotten held back a year and wasn't able to graduate on time. He asked how old she was and she replied "14. You?" "19 I'll be graduating this spring" was his quick reply as he was a little embarrassed that he was still in school. After he graduated he went away to college for a two year program and for some reason decided to come back to this town. Five years had passed since the incident with Morgan. And he could still easily remember what Matt had done. The day she graduated from high school was the day they went on their first date. And now she was here. Needing Matt to come rescue her again. A tear ran down her cheek as she realized that she needed Matt. He had saved her from a bully in high school and now again when they were actually dating. By this time she was alone in the room. Just then she heard a keyboard typing loudly. She assumed it was Morgan typing very quickly. Why was he in a hurry? What was he up to? 

A/N: Yay another chapter! What do you all think? Should i keep going with the story or scratch it because its a terrible idea. Let me know by voting and commenting! <3 

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