Sketch WHAT?

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A few months had passed since the Morgan fiasco. They were still safely behind bars where they would no longer hurt anyone. Matt and Mallory had been making plans for their big day as it was drawing nearer. The wedding was going to be on August 10th, 2018. Things were coming together nicely and Mallory was absolutely ecstatic for the day when she would get to marry her prince. On this particular day they had a lot of stuff they needed to accomplish. They were first going to go tux shopping for Matt and the guys. They decided it would be nice to just walk all over town and talk while doing so. They parked in a random park near the area of the stores. As they were walking toward the tux shop they passed a photography studio that caught Matt's eye. He peeked inside the store to find that he couldn't see much as the sun was bright and inside the store was rather dark. Not finding anything to his interest he backed up right as he saw a pamphlet on the door that read, "Is Sketch Comedy Right For You? Do You Or Any Of Your Friends Think You Have A Good Sense Of Humor? Find out for sure inside!" Matt looked at Mallory and pointed to the sign. She quickly read it and said they should just see what it's all about and motioned Matt to walk inside and find out more! As they continued inside Mal whispered to Matt "Babe this place is kind of sketchy. Pun intended". Matt smirked and called out a hello. Out from behind a curtain came a bald man that kinda looked like a nerd. He politely asked them what he could do for them. "Well, I saw your poster out front about Sketch Comedy? Just wondering if we could get more information about that? I'm Matt Meese and this is my fiancé Mallory Everton." said Matt. "Ah yes, first off my name is Justin Hackworth. I'm the photographer here and actually I do photography all around the country. I'm just based right here in Provo. I have a friend named Jared Shores who came to me and talked about starting a sketch comedy group. He needs people with talent and hard work. It has been a passion of his to work as a producer for Sketch Comedy since that is what he majored in at BYU." replied Justin. Matt and Mallory both smiled as he was talking. Matt inquired about Jared's contact information and said he would contact him for more details. They both shook Justin's hand and without another word, left the photography studio. 

Later that night Matt and Mallory grabbed a quick bite to eat from Chick-fil-a before heading over to Mallory's parents house for a game night. Once a month her parents had a game night for all of their kids. Mallory had 5 older brothers who were all married and living in different towns in Utah. The one way her parents were able to get all of their kids and grandkids together was to have a date and time once a month. They always had it at 6:00 so everyone could have dinner before they left and so Grandma and Grandpa could have plenty of time with the babies before they got crabby from being up too late. Matt and Mallory were the last to arrive to her parents house. She quickly hugged her brothers and sister-in-laws and then ran outside to play with her already hyper Nieces and Nephews. As the baby of the family some people felt that Mallory still hadn't grown up. She just loved kids partially because she never got to experience having babies in the house or being an older sister. Her oldest brother joked "There goes big sister" as she was running out the door. The kids were her favorite part of every game night. Matt hugged his future parents and waved to his many future siblings as he walked outside to accompany Mallory in playing with the kids. They ran around playing tag for an hour and then once the kids got tired of that they played on the swings and then played Mother may I? and Uncle Matt says. The new and improved version of Simon says. The kids already loved Matt and even called him Uncle Matt before they were even engaged. They brought all the kids in when it started to get dark and then that's when the family games kicked in. They would play group games like Mafia and 4 on a couch. They also liked the Who Am I game. Surprisingly enough when they would play the animated characters round, Mallory would always choose a child character. Something along the lines of Margo, Edith and Agnes or Boo or even child Anna from Frozen. But usually she would be found out pretty fast because she just loved the animation of children. 

It was nearing 11:45 when her brothers and their wives decided it was time to pack up the kids and head home. Mallory and Matt were on the couch with kids on every side and a couple on each lap all asleep with Frozen playing on the TV. Each of her brothers went and collected their kids leaving Matt and Mallory still on the couch asleep. By the time they had all gone it was 12:00. Mr. and Mrs. Everton decided that since it was so late, it probably would be best for Matt just to stay on the couch for tonight. Mr. Everton had to put in his fatherly protection and say that he thought Mallory should go to her own room. Mrs. Everton just smiled and nudged him on the shoulder jokingly and told him that if he wanted her in her own room he would have to get her there. He then proceeded to pick up Mallory off of the couch and carry her to her bed. He whispered to his wife as he was passing by, "She may be about ready to get married, but for right now, she's still my baby girl." Mrs. Everton grabbed her phone quickly off of the counter and snapped a picture without him knowing. She knew it would be one of the last times he would be able to do that and she wanted to have that special memory. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as she realized that this was her last child to get married. And being the only daughter, she knew this would be especially hard on Kris. He had always been very protective of his little girl. He never wanted her to get hurt by anything or anyone. So Matt was more lucky than he knew. Having the privilege of being trusted by a man with his daughter was a great honor. Mr. Everton made it to Mallory's room, put her on the bed and covered her up with the very blanket he had given her on her 10th birthday. Mallory had always loved this blanket but since it came from her 'Papi' (as she called him) she cherished it all the more. Mr. Everton walked into his own room to find his wife already in bed. They would usually sit up in their bed and talk about the events of the day. "You know honey, I truly do trust Matt with our daughter. He's a great guy and he absolutely adores our daughter. And he likes kids too." said Kris very sleepily. Mrs. Everton replied after thinking for a moment, "I agree dear. Her eyes light up every time she's around him and I truly believe she will live a happy life after they are married." With that, they kissed one another and settled in to sleep. 

A/N Ah I just loved this chapter so much! Tell me what you think down in the comments! Thanks so much for reading. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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