Happy day!

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Because her parent shop opened at 9:00 in the morning, Mallory would often get up around 7:30. Not this morning though. She slept past her alarm all of the way to 8:20. She kind of had a freak out moment and quickly went to wash her face, put on make up and clothes and she threw her hair into a side swept pony tail. She grabbed her keys and phone and ran out the door. "Hey Siri, Text Olivia, Maggie, Erin and Lacy." She said into her bluetooth as she was driving. She never liked to text using her phone while driving. It made her nervous and she had heard about so many accident while people weren't paying attention. "Okay what would you like to say to Olivia, Maggie, Erin and Lacy?" Asked Siri in her very annoying British accent. Mallory never knew why her Siri was British but whatever. She was just a little annoying at times. Mallory went ahead and said to her "Hey girls, would you all be able to meet me at my parent's restaurant at around 4:00? I have a question for you guys! TTYL" The only problem was, siri picked it up more like this..."Hey Twirls, would you all be cable to meat me at my bare hints restaurant at drowned four o clock? I have a session for you pies! while". "SEND" said Mallory even though she never read over the text. She got a quick reply from Maggie saying, "Sure no problem. See you then."  Maggie knew what she meant so she didn't say anything about it and just assumed that she had asked siri to do it for her. It was a different story when Olivia and Erin and Lacy all received the text. Olivia replied as she was laughing extremely hard, "So we are all twirly pies now. Ok I see how it's going to be." Right after that Lacy replies, "I'm really having a hard time deciphering this text. But please don't call me a twirly pie and then drown me with your bare hints. lol" Soon after Erin sent a text saying, "I have a session for you Pies. That's all we are to you now? PIES? And what does that weird 'while' at the end have to do with anything? lol" Mallory received all of these texts one right after another and he phone was practically blowing up. (Not literally) She smiled and continued down the screen. She read Olivia's and was a little confused. She read Lacy's and had no idea what they were talking about. Then she read Erin's and she figured Siri must've messed it up. She read her text back to herself as she was getting out of her car and was laughing so hard her eyes teared up. She walked in and her mom saw her and asked what was wrong. She said "Nothing, just look at this text I sent all of the girls" with giggles in her voice. Her mom not totally up to date with technology said "Honey you need to apologize. And how did your fingers even manage to do that?" "Mom, it's ok. I'll apologize and I'm sure they had a good laugh to. And I didn't type it I asked Siri to do it for me. And I guess she's not very good at her job yet." She then proceeded to text the girls back using her fingers this time. "Sorry about that text earlier girls. It was meant to ask you if you would all meet me at my parents shop at 4:00. I'll explain the rest later. :)" 

The girls all showed up around 4:00. Olivia was late as usual, because she was hanging out with her friends and forgot that Mal had texted them. Mallory had iced tea and small sandwiches ready for them.  Erin walked in first and said, "Ah fattening us up for the kill Eh?" and Lacy walked in right behind her and said "Yeah us, as in twirly pies." Mallory just shook her head laughing and the girls all started giggling. "Ok girls I have a question for you all. You are all very talented at your instruments and Matt and I were wondering if you would do a string quartet for our wedding. We weren't able to set a date yet but if you all agree you could start practicing now. Maggie you can be the head of it and get it all organized. If you want, I'd like you to play for the prelude and also one piece while we are lighting our unity candle." Maggie was first to speak up, "I can speak for myself and I'd love to do this for you!". The girls all shook their heads in agreement and they all talked for about another hour on what songs they should play. Canon in D was one of Mallory's favorite wedding songs. The girls were all glad that Mallory had asked them to take part in their special day. She told them everything she knew so far. From the colors to the idea about the reception. By the time they got done talking and all called their moms to pick them up it was about 7:30. "Time flies when you're having fun!" exclaimed Lacy. "It sure does. Well I need to help mom clean up for the night, but thank you all so much" Mallory said giving each one of them a hug. "It really means a lot to us." They each headed home and got out their instruments. Olivia grabbed her violin and started playing Canon in D. Lacy decided to play the bridal chorus as beautifully as she could. Erin was so advanced that she started playing the Tenor line to Canon in D and Maggie, well, it took her awhile to get her cello out and the stick down in the right position and she had to find a place to put her cello so she could rosin the bow. Sometimes she felt like the cello was more work than it was worth but then as soon as she started playing and listening to how she was playing it made her feel better. She loved the sound of the cello. It's deep beautiful strong notes. She was thinking that it would be even better when all four of them got together and played all four parts! She couldn't wait. 

After Erin got done practicing she had an idea to call the rest of the girls over for a sleepover. She really hoped they would all be allowed to. She called Maggie first and Maggie was on her way the second she heard. Lacy had to check with her mom but would get back to her as soon as possible. Olivia said "Yeah are you kidding? I like never sleep when normal people do, so I might as well have company when I'm wide awake at 1:00 in the morning." Erin just chuckled and told her to be there by 8:30. On the way to Erin's house Maggie asked her mom to stop at the convenient store around the corner to pick some snacks up. Lacy soon called Erin back and said she would be right over but she was going to stop at Wal-Mart and get some snacks for them to munch on all night. Erin was getting more and more excited by the minute....

A/N: I just want to let you guys know that this is the last draft that i have finished. So there may not be a post on monday. Thanks for reading. 

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