The Dinner.

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Weeks had passed since Mallory picked Matt up from the hospital. They were going to go on a date tonight. It was a special night in Matt's mind. As he went to work that morning he was practicing what he was going to say and at what moment he would say it. He had it all played out in his mind. He was going to take her to one of the fanciest restaurants in Salt Lake City and he knew how everything would work.


Matt was planning on taking me on a date tonight. He said that it was a dinner so they could get reacquainted. I think he just wanted an excuse to take me to dinner. He said that it was fancy apparel and also to take something very casual. Ok that's strange. Don't know what his plan is but whatever. I can't wait until tonight. We are supposed to meet up at my parents shop. Then we are going in my car because he still hasn't found another one, so he's been using Uber a lot. I guess he's now really good friends with the driver named James. Matt is so like that. Being bffs with a complete stranger.

Matt's Uber and Mallory both pulled up to the restaurant about the same time. Matt thanked James. He wished Matt good luck as Matt had told him his whole plan. "Hey sweetie. You look stunning." matt said as he placed a small kiss on Mallory cheek. "Thanks Babe. You look quite handsome yourself." Mallory replied as she gave him a small grin. Matt loved it when she grinned in that way. Mallory gave Matt the keys to her car and they headed to Papilles Bistro. The fanciest restaurant in Salt Lake City. Matt knew how much Mal loved Salt Lake City, so he knew that's just where he wanted to do it. When they pulled up to the restaurant, Mallory gasped and said, "Matt this is so nice. I love it!" Matt leaned over the consul and held Mallory's cheeks in his hands and planted a kiss on her forehead. They walked into the restaurant and the person at the desk said, "Welcome to Papilles Bistro. My name is Morgan. Do you have reservations?" Matt looked at the person and said "Yes, it should be for Mease." "Ah yes here it is. I'll take you to your seat. Right this way please." The way he looked at Matt gave Matt the creeps. When they were finally seated, Mallory said, "Is that Morgan Knight? From high school?" "It think it is sweet. He looked at me weird. Anyway, let's just try to forget about him and enjoy our meal. Love you!" matt replied. "You know, I didn't really want to bring this up, but remember when I told you that I thought my kidnapper might be Morgan Knight? It was a quick conversation but the way her just looked at us was kind of weird." said Mallory. "I remember but, I don't think it could be him. I mean, we haven't seen him for years. Since we graduated at least. And what would he have against us? Something the person said that stabbed me right before was, 'Time to put you out of your misery Matthew. The only person that ever called me by my full name on a regular basis was my mom, you and Morgan Peters." replied Matt. "First off, who is Morgan Peters. And second are you in misery?" asked Mallory. "Well, Morgan Peters was a girl in college that thought we were together, even tho I told her multiple times that we weren't. And I mean yeah, I was kinda depressed when you were in a coma but I wouldn't call it misery." said Matt. "Ok well you know what? Let's just enjoy tonight and not worry about it. We can go into the station to morrow and write a report so the police can start searching for evidence." said Matt with a smile. Mallory agreed and they had to wait only a couple of minutes before their waitress came up to them and said, "Good evening, my name is Lindsey. I'll be taking your drink orders and then someone will come get your food order. What can I start you off with?" "I think we are both going to have a sweet tea with lemon, please." Matt said as Mallory shook her head in agreement. When she finally got back with their drinks they talked for a while while sipping on them. Matt was just taking a sip when their waitress came up to them and said, "Good evening my name is Morgan and i'll be taking care of you tonight." Matt almost spit out his tea. He looked into Mallory's eyes and she gave him a 'not now' look. When he looked up it was confirmed that it was Morgan Peter's. They just politely gave her their orders and she said, "Ok we'll have that right out for you." as she turned around and gave Matt a wink.

"Mal, something weird is going on. Both of the Morgans work at the same place and are bother here tonight. And one of them is our server? Did you see her wink at me? I don't like the feeling of this at all." said Matt. "Well, can we just try to enjoy our evening? It's been a long time since we've done something like this." replied Mallory. Once they got their food they tried to quickly eat it. Matt especially of two reasons. One, his creeper crusher was their waitress and two, he had a ring in his pocket ready to be put on his loves finger. He was ready to go to say the least. When they finally finished Morgan got the check for them and Matt quickly paid. As they were standing up to leave, Morgan walked by and said, "Have a good life, Matthew." and winked. Matt held Mallory's back and was pushing her to move a little faster than she already was. They finally reached the car. When they got inside Matt sighed and said "She has always given me the creeps but tonight was way worse. She wicked at me more times than I could count! Weirdo." "It's ok sweet. Don't let it get to you." Mallory replied.

Matt tried hard all night not to let it bother him. Their drive was about half an hour and so he glanced over at Mallory and saw that she was asleep. When he stopped at a red light he quickly pulled out his phone to text their engagement photographer and coordinator. He knew he probably didn't need the latter, but he just wanted to make sure everything was perfect. 'Hey Liberty. We are getting close to the spot! Jada will tell you and Claudia where to hide so that you'll be able to get the best pictures. Thanks so much for taking our pictures.' Matt texted to his little sister's best friend. Claudia was Liberty's little sister. She had her own camera and liked to go take pictures whenever Liberty did. Liberty didn't mind because it was nice to have a second shooter. After he sent that message he texted the coordinator. 'Hey Jada. We are getting close to being there. I told Liberty to ask you where to go. Are all of my family members there and hiding? Thanks again. I really appreciate this.' 'Family and photographer in place. This is going to be the perfect evening for you two. Thanks for asking me.' came the quick reply from Jada. The light turned green and Matt continued to drive. As they were about 5 minutes from being there, Matt tapped Mallory on the shoulder and said, "Ok we're almost there." Mallory was startled. She wasn't in a deep sleep but it was just enough that she jumped when he tapped her shoulder. "I'm totally awake!" She exclaimed. Matt chuckled as he knew she was asleep almost the whole ride. He even thought that was better for him, because then she didn't ask questions the whole way there. He was able to just think and go over what he was going to say. He had it all perfectly memorized. "Alright, here we are" matt said as he shut the car off. "You have your change of clothes"?...

Will either of the Morgan's ruin Matt and Mal's engagement? Will Matt get over the weird feeling he has after seeing both of the Morgan's in the same place? Fine out what happens in the next chapter of Lover's Trial.

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