Come and get me.

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After Matt talked to the chief about what happened he told Matthew just to go home and think of anything that has been weird lately and to write a report about it. Matt hated the idea of just going home after this but he knew that there might be something that would jog his memory. As he pulled into his driveway he noticed that all of the lights were on in his house. He knew that was not right because he always shut the lights off and locked the door. He carefully got out of his car and shut the door very quietly and walked toward his front door. As he went to unlock the door he noticed the door wasn't even locked. Right that moment he carefully drew his gun and pushed the door open. He searched the house to find nothing except for a little yellow sticky note that read, "Matthew Mease. The Hero, protector of all his possessions. Here's a riddle to give you a clue to where you precious Mallory is. I run, it runs. I stop, it runs. What am I?" Matt just chuckled. Doesn't he know who mallory is? The queen of riddles and I'm about to marry her! Of course I know this. It's my watch. But, not the question is, how am I supposed to find her by that riddle. Right then, a thought popped into his head. "Of course" he said. The abandon watch shop right outside of town. That would be a perfect place to hold someone hostage." Matt quickly dialed the Chief and told him he was going to look into something as he was running to his car. He knew exactly where it was because it was on the way to his Mom's house. His dad had passed away when he was 12 so his mom always wanted to be out of town. He was about five minutes from getting there and he was just hoping she was there safely. As he pulled up he could see lights on inside. He quickly drew his pistol and carefully started walking up the steps to the door. He knew it couldn't be that easy after the kidnapper went through all of this trouble to kidnapping mallory in the first place. He carefully opened the door and started moving around the shop. It looked so dark and dingy but it was very humid. Like someone had cranked up the heat. Even tho, after being abandoned it shouldn't be working. He stopped in his tracks when he saw yet another hello sticky note. "You're too late, Matthew. She's somewhere else now. Good luck this time." "Shoot! Where has it taken her?" Matt just decided to continue searching the house for any kind of clue he could find. He went down the basement steps and saw a chair in the middle of the room. Underneath it was a frayed rope. He only hoped that it was a top that Mallory broke free from but it couldn't be because he had left the note for a reason. He continued to search and had a weird feeling he should look under the chair. after all the rope was on the floor so maybe that was leading him to something. Sure enough. where the seat of the chair and the leg met, was a little slip of paper stuck in the crack. The first thing he saw was "Love, Mal". Then he quickly read the note. "Dear Matt. I don't have long to write but i'll tell you some things you need to know. The kidnappers name is Morgan. I also heard him talking on the phone about the lake. That might be where he's taking me? He's wearing a black mask. I love you, Matt. Tell my parents I am ok for now. He hasn't hurt me but I don't know what is to come. Love, Mal." MORGAN PETERS??? Matt knew it had to be someone from their past who was again trying to ruin their lives. He knew that Morgan had been jealous of Mallory ever since they started dating. She hung around Matt during their college days and considered herself matts girlfriend because he was just being polite and wouldn't tell her to leave him alone. He now hated the fact that he didn't make it clear that they weren't together. They never went on any dates but yet she still considered him a boyfriend. And now she was trying to ruin Matthew and Mallory's perfect relationship. He also knew that her family had a boathouse down by the lake. That's where they must be! He quickly read over Mal's letter to make sure there wasn't anything he missed. Wait, him? How could it be a man? The lake? The boathouse? It had to be his old crusher the way Mal said it was a lake. But then again, she kept saying him.

Will Matt get to Mallory in time? Is it Morgan Knight or Morgan Peters? Find out in the next chapter of "Lovers Trial".

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