Party in the House!

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Maggie and Olivia both walked into Erin's house together. Lacy however, came in hauling a suitcase and a blanket in hand. The girls started chuckling, saying, "Wow, Lacy it's just one night." "Yeah you'll be laughing when you see what's in here." Lacy replied. She set the suitcase down on the coffee table and unzipped it. "So we have here, 2 boxes of nutty bars, 3 bags of variety chips, 8 packets of hot cocoa and 2 boxes of oatmeal cream pies." Lacy said as she was unpacking the suitcase. "Well um I guess we had the same idea Lacy because I pick up a couple things too." said Maggie. "Well, that's part of the point of sleep overs so let's party!" said Erin. The girls ate, and giggled, and planned the songs they were going to play at the wedding and laughed some more. They decided to watch a movie. So they discussed what they were going to watch and decided on The Princess Bride to celebrate Matt and Mallory. Or Mattory as they preferred to call it. They loved them as a couple and were even more excited to be in their wedding. They all enjoyed watch the movie and three out of four of them fell asleep around 4:00 a.m. Tomorrow was Saturday so they didn't have school and were able to sleep in. Olivia was the only one that didn't fall asleep. She always stayed up way late into the night. She didn't fall asleep until 5:00. She couldn't stop thinking about actually being in Matt and Mal's wedding. Ever since they started dating, she had hoped they would ask her to do something. And she did!

The Next day at 5:00

Mallory got home from work and found a little note on the kitchen table, along with a little box wrapped in beautiful wrapping paper. She opened the paper to find an iPhone box. She thought to herself that it must be a joke. Surely no one would just give anyone a free iPhone. She opened the lid and sure enough it was a brand new iPhone 7. She looked around for a note or something to figure out who it was from and couldn't find anything until she dug farther down to the cord compartment. There was a little note with hearts on it. It read,

                                                                                 "Dear Mallory,                                                                                       

I know you've been wanting to upgrade your phone for a while and I thought this would be a good time to do it. I love you. I can't wait to marry the love of my life.

                                                                                              Love always, Matt"

Mallory just thought he was the sweetest. She started walking toward the coffee shop down the road. As she was walking she quickly dialed his number to thank him for his gift.


"Hey babe its Mallory, on the new phone you gave me."

"Um, sweetheart, I never gave you a new phone. What kind of phone is it?"

"It's a brand new iPhone 7. And what do you mean you didn't give it to me? It has a note written from you and everything!"

"Babe, someone else is trying to trap you. You need to ditch the phone and run NOW!"

Matt's voice sounded very frightened. And Mallory was just confused. How did it get in her house and what about the note? It sounded just like something Matt would write.

"Baby you need to listen NOW!!!"

Just then Mallory heard brakes screeching and a person wearing black running up to her. She looked the other way and saw another person running toward her. She tried to bolt the other way but tripped on a hose on the sidewalk. Both of the people grabbed her and shoved her into the car and drove off.

Will Matt know where Mallory is or how to get her out of the situation? Is Mallory okay? Find out in the next chapter of of Lovers trial.

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