The Emergency.

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Mallory was freaking out at this point. Poor Matt going from being stabbed then having surgery then being in the ICU to now being kidnapped? Who would be so cruel. Mallory was still certain that it was Morgan Knight. But she thought that surely he would be over it by now? "Let's go! We need to find Matt" Mallory said to her parents. "Hold on now missy. Let's not just assume things. We should go down to the desk to check where he is to see if they know anything." said her Dad. Mallory quickly replied, "Okay but can we please hurry?" They ran back down the stairs and asked the receptionist where he was. "I'm sorry i just got an update on him. He had to be airlifted to Salt Lake City Regional Medical Center. He had an emergency and we don't have the equipment here to do the surgery. If he comes through surgery fine you should be able to head right there and visit with him." she said. "Thank you." Mallory looked at her parents and they were all thinking the same thing. They quickly ran to her parents car and began driving straight to Salt Lake City. It took them about and hour to get there with all of the construction on the roads.

When they got there, they ran right in to the Lobby and asked for Matt Mease. The receptionist told them that he wasn't out of surgery yet but he was on the 3rd floor and if they went to the waiting room someone would notify them when he was in his own room. When they got up to the waiting room Mallory broke down crying. She didn't know why anyone would want to hurt them. Her being in a hospital for three months now Matt having two surgeries in a row. Their lives had changed drastically. She was supposed to bring lunch one day and their lives haven't been the same since. 

"The Family of Matthew Mease?" the doctor came in and said. All three of the Everton's stood up and the doctor had some news. "Mr. Mease is going to be...Just fine. He's going to need to stay in the hospital for about a week and then if his incision is healed up enough we'll release him." "Thank you, Doctor. Are we able to visit him?" asked Mallory quickly. "I think that would be just fine. He is in room 312." Mallory began speed walking and soon got to his room. She was silently saying prayers of thankfulness for his safety. His door was open and she quickly ran up to him. "Matt sweetie. I've missed you so much! I was so scared." mallory said softly placing a kiss on his cheek. He gave a confused look over to Mr. and Mrs. Everton and they just shook their heads. "My memory came back. I was talking to my nurse and whatever she said to me brought it all back. I love you, Matt." said Mallory. "I love you too, sweet. The doctor said I should be released sometime next week. But, I have to tell you something. Right before the person stabbed me I got a good look at his face. It was someone I have definitely seen before but I couldn't think of his name. I want you to stay with your parents and work at the shop with them everyday until I get released. I don't want you to leave them." Matt responded." Mallory looked confused but she knew they were in danger. "Right, Safety in Numbers." She said. 

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Mallory stayed with her parent's like Matt had said. She was busy during the days so the days went quickly. She wasn't able to visit Matt every day because of the distance. ~ ~ ~ A week had passed by and Mallory had gone to the hospital to pick Matt up. She quickly went up to his room. When she got there they hugged for quite awhile before Matt said "Well, should we go?" Matt had told Mallory last week where her car was parked at the hospital. So she was able to drive that. Mallory had mentioned that she was a little hungry. So they decided to stop at Chipotle. That was one of their favorite places to eat, only normally it was after a better event. The talked about all of the events that had happened. Matt laughed when Mallory got to the part where she thought he was kidnapped. "I was worried. Especially after you were stabbed!" Matt was thankful he had a loving girlfriend like her and gave her a small kiss on the forehead. "I love you, Mallory Everton. And I will doing anything to protect you." He said as he held her hand. 

A/N Sorry for the delay in updating today. I started work yesterday and am already trying to squeeze stuff in. Also, If you don't get and update next Monday and Thursday its because i haven't had anytime to write and I don't want to get behind. But I'll let you know if I can't update. <3

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